
Craig Rucker

Craig Rucker, executive director of CFACT, the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Most Recent Articles by Craig Rucker:

Potentially powerful pipeline precedents

Fracking (horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing) has unleashed bounties of US oil and natural gas, dramatically reduced energy prices from their historic 2008 peak, saved families and industries billions of dollars annually, helped create and sustain millions of American jobs, made the United States stronger militarily and turned it into a net energy exporter.
- Monday, August 31, 2020

UN bureaucrats chow down on burgers – while attacking meat

UN bureaucrats chow down on burgers – while attacking meatThey came for your car, your light bulb, your dishwasher and washing machine, your toilet, your electricity, your airline flight and so much more. Now you can add your burger and steak to their list of what they want to legislate, regulate or confiscate out of your existence. YOUR existence. Not theirs.

The global warming agenda is the gift that keeps on giving for everyone who wants to control what you do. Dangerous manmade climate change justifies all manner of meddling, in the name of saving the planet. And like the mafia, UN cops want a piece of the action whenever money and power are on the line.

- Monday, December 16, 2019

Protesting carbon taxes with the Gilets Jaunes

Protesting carbon taxes with the Gilets Jaunes The Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) represent a broad cross section of French rural, working and middle classes. They are butchers, bakers and automobile makers. They are the folks who grow the food, drive the trucks, build the buildings and fix what breaks. They are France. They have had enough.
- Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The snow job in Poland

The snow job in Poland Any blizzards that blanket Poland this winter can’t compare to the massive snow job climate campaigners are trying to pull off.
- Sunday, December 9, 2018

Free market energy policies can end economic malaise

"We can't have an energy strategy that traps us in the past," President Obama proclaimed in March 2012. "We need an energy strategy for the future--an all-of-the-above strategy for the Twenty-First Century that develops every source of American-made energy."
- Thursday, May 2, 2013

Important questions for Obama nominees

In his second inaugural address, President Obama pledged to address “the threat of climate change” because no one can avoid “the devastating impact of raging fires, crippling droughts and more powerful storms.” The President had said nothing about climate change during his reelection campaign –because that would have reminded millions of voters that he is committed to replacing hydrocarbons with expensive renewable energy and ensuring that electricity and gasoline prices skyrocket.
- Monday, April 1, 2013

Christiana’s nightmare – for the rest of us

Talk about alignment of the stars! Barack Obama based his 2008 presidential campaign on the principle of “sharing the wealth.” He won, got reelected and now has, at least in his own mind, a flat-out mandate to extend his vision for wealth redistribution (and wealth destruction) planet-wide.
- Wednesday, December 5, 2012

EPA has lost its way on warming

Legal challenges by states and industry groups over the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases could and should be decided in the challengers’ favor. Whether that will happen in this highly politicized, semi-scientific matter of “dangerous manmade global warming and climate change” remains to be seen. Regardless of what the DC Court of Appeals decides, the case will almost assuredly return to the Supreme Court, where the outcome is equally uncertain.
- Thursday, March 1, 2012

Minimal benefits, extensive harm

The Environmental Protection Agency clams its “final proposed” Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rules will eliminate toxic pollution from electrical generating units, bring up to $140 billion in annual health benefits, and prevent thousands of premature deaths yearly – all for “only” $11 billion a year in compliance costs.
- Monday, December 26, 2011

Battling the forces of darkness in Durban

CFACT – the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow – is at COP17 in Durban, South Africa, as the main negotiating team that is representing those like you who challenge the UN’s claims of man-made global warming cataclysms … and the ruinously expensive (and wholly ineffective) solutions being forced upon the free world’s economies at this conference.
- Wednesday, December 7, 2011