
Claude Sandroff

Claude writes regularly on politics, energy and science. He is a former research scientist currently working with high tech companies in Silicon Valley.

Most Recent Articles by Claude Sandroff:

Giving Our Marines in Afghanistan Their Due and a Break

In our almost infinite comfort, having been asked to make not a single wartime sacrifice, we should simply look at the video showing urinating Marines and mutter, "So, what? Our guys peed on the Taliban."
- Sunday, January 22, 2012

Palin Will Fight for Energy and Against Crony Capitalism

Sarah Palin has decided against a 2012 presidential run and, with Chris Christie also bowing out, we are virtually guaranteed a more sedate and boring republican primary season characterized by overly staged debates. And the intense grinding and filtering associated with the vetting process will probably result in our being forced to accept a candidate less conservative than we had hoped.
- Tuesday, October 11, 2011

America and Syria

- National Review If Pres. Barack Obama prefers not to intervene on behalf of the protesters being slaughtered in Syria, the least his administration could do is refrain from endorsing their tyrant. In Obama’s speech Monday night about America’s interest in defending Libyans and standing alongside other freedom-seekers of the Arab world, Syria didn’t even rate a mention. That discussion was handled Sunday in remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking on CBS’s Face the Nation. Not only did Clinton nix any thoughts of action on Syria, she ran interference for Syria’s murderous president, Bashar Assad, saying: “Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.”
- Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dreading Obama’s JFK Moment

Presidents can make historically awful decisions when the nation and the world begin to view their regimes as hopelessly weak, naïve and incompetent. It was at such an ebb in JFK’s presidency that the first American military troops arrived in Vietnam, providing an opportunity for Kennedy to show the world that he was no pushover.
- Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Welcome “Extremism” of New York’s Carl Paladino

The liberal ruling class meme holds that the Tea Party is unleashing nutty extremist candidates onto the American political scene, and every successful Tea Party insurgent from Rand Paul to Sharon Angle to Joe Miller to Christine O'Donnell has had their fundamental sanity questioned at some point during their campaigns.
- Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Righteous Tea Party Stampede Continues

The left wing kook fringe has issued a fatwa against Dick Armey, Chairman of FreedomWorks and one of the most recognizable promoters of the tea party crusade. Armey has recently called for a hostile tea party takeover of the Republican Party, and perhaps concerned that such a takeover might succeed, thereby completely transforming our decrepit two-party system, the left has decided to initiate hostilities of its own. FreedomWorks has determined that the threats issued against it are credible enough to justify a move to more secure headquarters.
- Friday, September 3, 2010

The Mosque Is About Submission Not Tolerance

The Muslim sponsors of the 11-story, $100 million Cordoba House, to be built just blocks from ground zero, claim it will serve as a bridge between Islam and the West. But its construction is inciting a level of anger that can only serve to mute potential dialog and, most sense that its location is really meant as provocation and humiliation. On one side of the issue, supporting the mosque, are Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama and Hamas. On the other side, are 70% of the American people.
- Monday, August 23, 2010

Global Warming: Our Mistake, Never Mind

In a remarkable monograph, Roy W. Spencer presents hard evidence that 75% of the observed warming since the start of the 20th century is due to natural processes. He offers a detailed model describing how one of these processes, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), operates in the real world. Most importantly, he demonstrates that anthropomorphic global warming (AGW) is a minor contributor to a global climate largely insensitive to man-made CO2.
- Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nine Terrifying Words: I Am Barack Obama, And I’m Here To Help

With deep apologies to Ronald Reagan, who never imagined the apocalyptically low levels to which American governance could fall, these words might come to replace his original nine most terrifying in the English language: I am Barack Obama, and I’m here to help.
- Saturday, June 26, 2010

Secession, Military Coups and Other Happy Talk in the Age of Obama

Obama may be dismantling all that was exceptional and stabilizing about America as the world's sole superpower, but fear not. Vermont, Texas or the right generals might save us yet. Though once billed as the great unifier, Obama is in fact breathing new life into a series of secession movements from the left and right, and sober discussions about benign military coups have begun to appear.
- Friday, December 4, 2009

My Wife Didn’t Immigrate to America for This

A French-born and French-educated PhD engineer, my wife first came to the United States for post-doctoral study, then married an American and then become a US citizen. Her idealization of America began when her vacationing parents sent her a post card from New York City in 1969. The image of Manhattan’s skyline from the Brooklyn Bridge coupled with that summer’s images from the Apollo moon landing cemented her future. She was going to be part of America’s exceptionalism when she grew up.
- Monday, November 2, 2009

Doug Hoffmann is Tapping Into the Populist Revolt

Things seem to be looking up for conservatives. Important books like Mark R. Levin’s “Liberty and Tyranny” and Michelle Malkin’s “Culture of Corruption”, are also wildly popular. Glenn Beck and his colleagues at Fox are mopping up the competition. Sarah Palin has had a monstrous, unprecedented reception for her unpublished memoirs. And even usually tone-deaf, main stream Republicans seem able to say “no” occasionally to the liberal governing machine.
- Monday, October 26, 2009