
Caren Besner

[em] Caren Besner has written articles published by American Thinker, Conservative News and Views, The Front Page, Dr Swier, Renew America, Sun Sentinel, Published Reporter, Independent Sentinel, News With Views, The Moderate Voice, Canada Free Press, The Liberty Beacon, and others. [/em]

Most Recent Articles by Caren Besner:

A Tale of Two Heroes

“Be sure you’re right. Then go ahead” Will Rogers A Tale of Two Heroes, William Billy Mitchell, Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart SchellerThis is a cautionary tale of two American soldiers. Nearly a century spans the incidents that brought them their notoriety; yet the issues they evoke are exactly the same and timeless. Does an active duty officer in the military have the right, a moral obligation even, to criticize the actions of his superiors; both military and civilian, if he firmly believes that those actions are incompetent and have dire consequences?
- Saturday, October 2, 2021

Politics and the Politicization of the US Military

Politics and the Politicization of the US Military“If there is one basic element in our Constitution, it is civilian control of the military”Harry S. Truman Americans traditionally have been wary of a large permanent military establishment, believing it to be a threat to democratic institutions. This attitude goes all the way back to the Founding Fathers who deliberately kept the army small, preferring to rely on local militia in case of an emergency. This was done in order to prevent the army from being used to repress the rights of any individual state during the long and ongoing battle over the issue of states’ rights; the echoes of which still reverberate to this very day. The past nine months’ events show how wise this attitude was.
- Wednesday, September 22, 2021