
James E. Tucker

Jim Tucker is a retired real estate investor. He lives with his wife, Betty Lou, growing aquaponic vegetables, and rescuing abused and abandoned dogs in the soon-to-be independent Republic of Texas

Most Recent Articles by James E. Tucker:

The Bravest Men and Women America has ever known

The Bravest Men and Women America has ever knownThis is a very different world than it was just a year ago, isn’t it? In my opinion, one of the most important events of the last 12 months is the rise of The Bravest Men and Women America Has Ever Known. American history is replete with courageous action. The colonists who defied the greatest Superpower of their day, the pioneers who set out westward to build their futures, the first- responders who ran toward the Twin Towers as they burned – for more than two centuries, America has truly been the “home of the brave.” Americans have a long history of selfless acts of bravery.
- Saturday, February 6, 2021