
Don Rosenberg

Don Rosenberg started his business career by building a chain of record stores in North Carolina and Virginia, where he honed his skills in management, public relations, marketing, graphic design, social media, and public speaking. His third book, “Sixty Seconds to an UNFORGETTABLE Elevator Speech” came from his business networking experiences. When Obamacare was first proposed, he got involved in the Tea Party movement and became active at the national level. Don reached out to similar-minded Conservative politicos and founded RedAmericaConsulting as a way to encourage exceptional candidates to run for public office. He is Executive Editor for CitizenSentinelsNetwork.

Most Recent Articles by Don Rosenberg:

Democrats (and RINOs) think we’re stupid, that’s why they’ll fail

Democrats (and RINOs) think we’re stupid, that’s why they’ll failThe Dems are famous for underestimating conservatives. They thought Donald Trump was just a billionaire playboy looking to play politician. He beat 16 GOP challengers while the RINO’s pick for 2016 spent over $100 million in the primaries and never got more than 5% of the vote, so RINOs hate him, too. In the general election, he beat the full power of the Clinton machine with one-tenth of the money. And the fact that he’s done such a good job being a politician, when he hates politicians, disrupts their whole world. You’re supposed to kiss the rings, pay your dues, climb up the ranks and do what you’re told. Amateurs need not apply. Follow our rules.
- Friday, January 15, 2021

A Cure for Blackmail?

A Cure for Blackmail?We have seen extremely strange behavior from judicial and elected officials relating to the November election - judges dismissing cases because of “lack of standing,” or because lawsuits were filed too late, or too early. We have seen a Republican governor and his Secretary of State denying voter fraud in Georgia, when we have video evidence of ballots being pulled from suitcases and counted in secret multiple times. We have seen obvious violations of state constitutions that require legislatures to make all decisions about voting procedures, by judges, governors and local officials. Obviously there is partisan politics involved when a Democrat judge rules against a Republican case, but how can you explain when “neutral” Supreme Court justices, or Republicans, who seem to have conservative credentials, act against what’s obviously the right thing to do?
- Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Fiction or Real Life? What Sci-Fi can teach us about today's politics

Fiction or Real Life? What Sci-Fi can teach us about today's politicsFiction writers, especially science fiction writers, perform an extremely valuable service for our society beyond providing endless fun for 10-year-old geeky kids. By writing about "things that might be," they encourage us to think outside the box, consider unlikely or unpopular possibilities, and think through scenarios that could affect our current and future lives. All of us live in the world of science fiction. We are transported into the future one second at a time and must constantly adapt and adjust to our new world. Businesses, governments and military experts must adapt to new ways of thinking or risk becoming obsolete. Many of our most successful entrepreneurs became billionaires by taking quick and bold advantage of new technologies and developing futuristic products and services we all now take for granted.
- Saturday, January 2, 2021

Will the 'Crats succeed in stealing our country? Only if we let them

Will the 'Crats succeed in stealing our country? Only if we let themThe "'Crats" are leading a coup against our government--Democrats, bureaucrats, Techno-crats, and billionaire-aristocrats. They think they can censor, bully, and steal their way into power, and run the United States just like the oligarchs in Russia and China's CCP. What they fail to realize is that the people of the United States have freedom baked into our DNA which can't be bullied by riots, a pandemic panic or political correctness intimidation, even after 30 years of "education reform" and a media that doesn't report news, but instead manufactures propaganda.
- Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What Happened to the FBI?

What Happened to the FBI?When a truly horrific crime occurs, like an RV blowing up in a major US city such as Nashville, the FBI is instantly on the case. In a few hours they’ve rushed in and reviewed video footage, interviewed witnesses, and possibly identified a body. They’ve analyzed recordings of the fifteen-minute warning tape, and interviewed scores of people who were in the area in the hours leading up to the bombing.
- Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Quiet War

The Quiet WarWe are currently in a state of war and most Americans are completely unaware. They know times are troubled, but are totally focused on COVID, politics, or both. They worry whether they will lose their jobs or their businesses, if their kids will lose another year of school, how long the lockdowns will last, or if their loved ones in nursing care can survive another month in total isolation from their families. These are truly difficult times.
- Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Politics of Distraction

The Politics of DistractionIt's clear at this point that the aim of the Democrats is to "fake it ‘til they make it." They, and their media cronies, along with the Tech Giants, are feverishly trying to push the narrative that Biden, perched comfortably in his "Office of the President-Elect," is already the president. Every cabinet pick is breathlessly announced as a genius selection, and their bios are served up in the most positive light. Any reference to the fact that 18 states and 106 congressmen have joined the Texas Supreme Court lawsuit against the four worst swing state cheaters is either ignored, or subject to "news reports" and constitutional pundits detailing how hopeless it is. YouTube has now promised to delete any videos that try to discuss the issue, and are crowing that they can delete them before they've even reached 100 views.
- Saturday, December 12, 2020

Did the House of Representatives Flip to Republican?

Did the House of Representatives Flip to Republican?On December 1st, the first witness at the Arizona State Legislature hearing with Rudy Giuliani was US cybersecurity expert Colonel Phil Waldron. He…presented an email sent on Nov. 10 from an anonymous individual claiming to have witnessed a detailed plan to embed 35,000 fraud votes to each Democrat candidate's total votes while at a Pima County Democratic Party meeting in September. "Please be advised that Pima County Recorder … and the Democratic party added 'fraud votes' in the initial count to the vote-by-mail totals released at 8 p.m. on Nov. 3rd, 2020," reads the email.
- Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Citizens Demand a Divorce from the Democrats Citing 'Irreconcilable Differences'

Citizens Demand a Divorce from the Democrats Citing 'Irreconcilable Differences'The American citizens need to divorce the Democrat party, and just as in a marriage, when reconciliation is impossible, the relationship needs to end. The Democrats are being revealed as unfaithful. They have tried to present themselves as the noble guardian of the oppressed parts of our society - minorities, women, workers, immigrants, the elderly, and the poor.
- Monday, November 9, 2020