
Mike Petters

Mike Peters is president and CEO of Huntington Ingalls Industries, America’s largest military shipbuilding company. He earned a bachelor of physics degree from the U.S. Naval Academy and a Masters in Business Administration from the College of William and Mary. Readers may write to him at HHI, 4101 Washington Ave., Newport News, VA 23607

Most Recent Articles by Mike Petters:

Pre-school education is absolutely vital to America’s security

Pre-school education is absolutely vital to America’s securityNewport News, Virginia — Out my window at Huntington Ingalls Industries, I can see the USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier ever built. She is the eighth United States naval vessel to bear that name, dating back to the Continental Navy sloop-of-war that served in Lake Champlain’s Battle of Quebec in 1775. Even the Star Trek Enterprise was named for her. She is decommissioned now, but for a half-century, she was America’s sharpest spear at the Cuban Missile Crisis, in Vietnam, in the Persian Gulf.
- Friday, March 1, 2019