
Aurel Emilian Mircea, M.D.

Aurel Emilian Mircea, M.D. was born in Romania and graduated from the Medical School in Bucharest, at the peak of the communist regime. During his college days he became a professional musician, which later helped him make his way to the Free World. After a sojourn through Poland and South Africa he settled permanently in Texas, USA. In his retirement he had published a few books about healthcare and the very competitive world of showbiz. --Please visit the author page at: Amazon

Most Recent Articles by Aurel Emilian Mircea, M.D.:

Let Freedom Ring in Venezuela!

Let Freedom Ring in Venezuela!Let the freedom ring all over the world! The modern history is very clear and disturbing. Utopic Socialism and its twin sibling, the Communist Dictatorship, in any form and shape do not create a prosperous society. It causes deprivation and redistribution of wealth leading to their kind of equality for all! That is everyone is equally poor, hungry and miserable! Looking at the recent uprising in Caracas and at all those poor people struggling to survive in the tyranny of Latin American communism, I have many flashbacks from Eastern Europe, 70 years ago.
- Saturday, January 26, 2019

Hello readers of all denominations!

socialized medicine principlesI did not mean to brag or to bore you with my Texas-pride, but while writing and publishing “Medical Epicenter,” a new collection of short stories, I had to openly admire the largest medical city in the world. Texas Medical Center in Houston, with which I have been associated for more than twenty-five years, is by far the biggest and best on the globe.
- Monday, May 7, 2018