
Whitt Flora

Whitt Flora, an independent journalist, covered the White House for The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch and was chief congressional correspondent for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine. Readers may write him at 319 Shagbark Rd., Middle River, Md. 21220.

Most Recent Articles by Whitt Flora:

Hillary’s sleazy dealings; shaky health would dog her presidency

BALTIMORE — Millions of American voters will soon find out what millions of others already know: Hillary Clinton is like what Gertrude Stein once quipped about Oakland, California. “There is no there there.” Polls indicate that the buffoonish billionaire Donald Trump — once the longest of shots — is closing fast on Hillary after new disclosures that the FBI is investigating e-mails leaked from top aide Huma Abedin’s server. Whether it’s fast enough to overcome Hillary’s backing by her slavish friends in the mainstream media remains to be seen.
- Monday, November 7, 2016

Citizen videos of police shootings are often misleading

BALTIMORE — Don't rush to condemn the cops the next time you see a citizen video of a police shooting — you may not be getting the entire story and the odds are good the clip was distributed widely to fan hatred of the police.
- Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Woodrow Wilson’s covered-up illness makes strong case for releasing records

BALTIMORE—With a septuagenarian and soon-to-be septuagenarian contending for the Democratic nomination and a 69-year man with admitted weight problems leading the GOP field, one can only wonder why the nation’s press corps hasn’t zeroed in on the health of presidential candidates.
- Thursday, February 4, 2016

Frenzied assaults on NFL show far-left bias of sports writing elites

BALTIMORE—Just in time for this fall’s congressional elections, a jeering section of media pundits and politicians have taken to the airwaves denouncing the National Football League for not properly policing the private lives of two of its most visible employees.
- Friday, October 10, 2014