
David Wojick, PhD

David Wojick is an independent analyst working at the intersection of science and public policy. He has a PhD in analytic philosophy of science and mathematical logic, and focuses his research on unpacking the structure of complex issues.

Most Recent Articles by David Wojick, PhD:

It takes big energy to back up little wind and solar

It takes big energy to back up little wind and solarPower system design can be extremely complex, but one simple number is painfully obvious. At least it’s painful (and terribly inconvenient) to advocates of wind and solar power – which may be why we never hear about it, why it too often gets deliberately hidden from view. It is a big, bad number. To my knowledge, this big number has no name, but it should. Let's call it the “minimum backup requirement” for wind and solar, or MBR. The minimum backup requirement is how much generating capacity a system must have if it is to reliably produce the electricity we need when wind and solar don't.
- Friday, April 2, 2021

New York can't buy its way out of coming blackouts

New York can't buy its way out of coming blackoutsNew York City will soon be home to the world's biggest industrial-scale battery system. It's designed to back up the city's growing reliance on intermittent "renewable" electricity. At 400 megawatt-hours (MWh), this cluster of batteries will be more than triple the existing 129 MWh world leader in Australia. Mark Chambers, NYC's Director of Sustainability (I am not making this title up), is ecstatic. "Expanding battery storage is a critical part of how we advance momentum to confront the climate emergency," he brags, "while meeting the energy needs of all New Yorkers. Today's announcement demonstrates how we can deliver this need at significant scale." [emphasis added]
- Saturday, January 2, 2021

Slight, beneficial warming from more carbon dioxide!

Slight, beneficial warming from more carbon dioxide!Precision research by physicists William Happer and Willem van Wijngaarden has determined that the current levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor are "saturated." In radiation physics that means adding more CO2 or water molecules will bring modest warming that will benefit plant growth, and thus all life on Earth. More CO2 and H2O will not cause dangerous warming.  From this point forward, emissions from burning fossil fuels will bring little additional global warming, and what does occur will improve forests, grasslands and agriculture. There is no climate emergency. 
- Saturday, November 28, 2020

Police use of deadly force is not about racism

Police use of deadly force is not about racismThe screaming headline said "Black Americans 2.5X more likely than whites to be killed by police." The statement is false. It is the kind of assertion that is used to claim police are systemically racist. It leads to fewer police, fewer arrests, more crime, more racial discord, and more innocent black deaths. 
- Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Big Oil goes Big Green

Big Oil goes Big GreenClimate alarmists often accuse skeptics, like myself and independent groups like the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow and Heartland Institute, of being in the pay of Big Oil. This is completely false--the Big Lie repeated so often that people eventually believe it. We do not receive even a dime from Big Oil. It's part of the green fairy tale that skepticism exists only because the oil companies are funding it.
- Saturday, May 4, 2019

Anti-fracking chaos in Colorado

Anti-fracking chaos in Colorado The anti-fracking folks are trying a clever new strategy in Colorado. Instead of banning fracking, they just make it impossible. In fact, they make nearly all oil and gas development and production impossible--which is exactly what radical "leave it in the ground" eco factions demand.
- Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Trying to perpetuate alarmist climate "science"

Several months ago a brief furor erupted when the New York Times leaked the final draft of the upcoming Climate Science Special Report (CSSR), an extremely alarmist rendition of what is supposedly happening with Earth's climate.
- Friday, October 20, 2017