
Tom Tanton

Tom Tanton is Director of Science and Technology Assessment for the < a href="https://eelegal.org/" rel="nofollow">Energy and Environment Legal Institute and President of T2 & Associates an energy technology consulting firm. He has over forty years’ experience in energy technology and public policy, including both private and public sector responsibility.

Most Recent Articles by Tom Tanton:

No, Jerry, California Is NOT Leading

In a fiery speech to the American Geophysical Union conference, California Governor Brown continued his quest regarding climate change, but has apparently revealed a # in his armor. He threatened incoming President Trump that California will go it's own way if the Feds reconfigure national climate policy. Insisting that climate change remains the greatest existential threat to mankind, he insists the Paris accord be upheld and that other US States follow "California's lead."
- Friday, December 16, 2016