
July, 2015

Trump’s business plan for media apprentices

America: If you want to get past the malignant force choking off every last scrap of your liberty and freedom, you have to go back to school, the one that instructs you how to deal more effectively with an in-the-government’s-pocket mainstream media.
By Judi McLeod - Friday, July 31, 2015 - Full Story

Planned Parenthood: Serving mankind from dust to dessert

Many baby boomers will recall the classic 1962 Twilight Zone episode To Serve Man, about a seemingly benevolent alien race of giants coming to earth to solve the ills of mankind. Although some people were initially suspicious of the aliens' intentions, their skepticism was assuaged when the aliens shared their advanced technology and made the earth a better place to live, stopping wars and increasing the food harvests of the planet.
By Doug Hagmann - Friday, July 31, 2015 - Full Story

Blind, stubborn ideology, gross incompetence caused capitulation to Iranian totalitarian theocracy

Almost two years of "negotiations,"the final "deal"appears as a total surrender of the Obama government to all the demands of the Ayatollahs who boasted that all their red lines have been met. The deal will put them on the path to become a nuclear power, not as a pariah but legitimized by the US and Europe; they will continue to enrich uranium and to develop their ICBM program; the lifting of the sanctions will give them 150 billion dollars to improve their economy and their military capabilities which include, of course, strengthening Hizbollah, Hamas, and other purveyors of terror in the troubled Middle-East.
By Dr. Isaac Yetiv - Friday, July 31, 2015 - Full Story

The Left’s Fight-for-$15 Scam

The current feel-good push for a $15 an hour minimum wage has nothing to do with helping workers and everything to do with advancing the goals of the left wing, especially the labor movement.
By Matthew Vadum - Friday, July 31, 2015 - Full Story

Donald Trump’s Greatest Hits

Donald Trump has gotten popular, in part, by challenging the media. But he has praised journalists on occasion. His 2011 book, Time to Get Tough, said David Gregory was "doing a fine job filling some awfully big shoes over at Meet the Press." It was a reference to legendary and highly respected host Tim Russert, who had passed away.
By Cliff Kincaid - Friday, July 31, 2015 - Full Story