
April, 2023

Is Integrity Dead?

In light of what we are witnessing and experiencing in the world today, integrity may seem like an old-fashioned concept unrelated to modern life. If we look up the definition of integrity in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, we will learn that integrity means “adherence to a strict moral or ethical code; incorruptible; honest; virtuous.” Unfortunately, when we read the daily news headlines, we may think there are no people left with any shred of integrity because almost every news story has to do with corruption, dishonesty, or lack of virtue.

By Sherry Knight Rossiter - Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Full Story

Musical perfection The Dave Clark Five

Mike Smith, Lenny Davidson, Denis Peyton, Rick Huxley, Dave Clark

Dave Clark’s band came on strong as part of the British Invasion of the early 1960s. For a while, there was speculation about whether they or the Beatles would be the bigger act. Their first big hit, Glad All Over, took over the Number One spot on the British charts from The Beatles’ I Want To Hold Your Hand when it came out in 1964. Because was originally released in Britain as the B side of Can’t You See That She’s Mine? in 1964. Clark insisted that it be released as the A side of a single in the US that year. It peaked at No. 3 on the US charts in September and also reached No. 3 in Canada. It was the band’s fifth single to sell over a million copies in the US.

They appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show just a month after The Beatles debuted there, and they played for Ed Sullivan a total of eighteen times, more than any other British band.

By Dr. Bruce Smith - Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Full Story

Is Joe Biden Doing an Imitation of the Dick Tracy Character Called “Mumbles”?

Dustin Hoffman as Mumbles in Dick Tracey

It's generally not an honorable thing to do to make light of a person's physical or mental problems, but when we're referring to the Commander in Chief of the United States, it is almost a necessity to point the problems out as to the ramifications it has for the country, in this case, the United States. President Biden, who is 80 years old, is showing real signs of dementia. Anyone with a careful eye can see that he is showing signs of that condition. His partisan backers are all trying hard to not address his problem by obfuscating and making excuses for his actions, but it is there for all to see.

By Chuck Lehmann - Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Full Story

Cancel Tucker, Cancel Tradition: Why Globalists Can’t Handle the Truth

In this edition of the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses not only the cancelling of Tucker Carlson but also what appears to be the initial stages of a state-controlled press. It’s not just Fox that’s being “reimagined” -- CNN appears to be going down, too. Does this signal the end of any semblance of an independent and privately-owned free press in America?

Is this part of the Great Reset?

By Michael J. Matt -- Remnant TV- Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Full Story

Bad Rap for Certain States

Cranky Old Montana Curmudgeon

Over the years, many of us in the media have given certain states an undeserved bad rap. On the whole, no state is an all bad Marxist Democrat blue state. However, some states are clearly mostly bad and deserve the title Marxist Democrat blue state. But even these states have anti-Marxist Democrat voters called Republicans, so we must be cautious and not splatter blue paint on this small contingent of Constitution-loving patriots.

It seems ironic that when the Marxist, socialist, communist scare happened in the 1950s, they were the “Reds.” The Marxist Democrat labelers somehow turned that around and now red is associated with the Constitution-loving American patriots.

By Steve Rossiter - Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Full Story