
Freedom of speech, Governmental control, indoctrination

Ya Miss Me?

GOOD MORNIN GUYS! How are you? Let me start off this morning by wishin all a very Happy New Year to each and every one of you! Ya miss me? LOL!
I think my last post was around the 26th of November?? At that point I became, as some have said…a recluse. Actually I considered it more along the lines of… “prairie-doggin!” I’d pop my head up ever so often, then, disappear again. After a couple weeks I started getting calls and e-mails from friends and family, and it reminded me of Jimmy Hoffa when he went missin. Alright, I guess it WAS more along the lines of Jiminy Cricket than Jimmy Hoffa... Anyway, there was a lot of concern…from A LOT of people. Shoot, I didn’t remember that I EVEN KNEW that many people??? Okay, okay, ya take off the bill collectors and there REALLY wasn’t that many people callin on me! More...

Dub and Deb -- Bio and Archives

‘Ridin Out The Recession With Dub and Deb in “Miz Judi’s Kitchen’!

Note to Readers: There are a few things that Dub doesn’t know but one thing he does know is that the word ‘Riding’ (as in Riding Out the Recession) is spelled with a ‘g’ at the end.  But Dub not only walks the walk, but speaks like he is: down home, true blue, and plain speakin’ country folk.

Dub and Deb are both native Floridians, live in Central Florida, and run a small business as well. They have five children, and seven grandchildren.

Both love to cook, love to laugh, grow a garden, and generally try to “aggravate” most anyone around them basically…all in good fun, of course!