
More important, does Canada have one system of justice for people like Habibullah Ahmad, and another for people like Anne Widholm? With politicians looking the other way and police keeping people in the dark, it sure seems that way.

Windsor police extend the "dark side" of Habibullah Ahmad's vicious attack

Windsor police extend the On April 21, residents of Windsor, Ontario, will participate in a cleanup of the Ganatchio Trail, a volunteer event to recall Anne Widholm. As the Windsor Star reports, she is the 75-year-old victim of "a vicious, unprovoked assault on the trail last October." Anne Widholm used to walk the trail and pick up trash, but the vicious, unprovoked assault calls for more than a cleanup day. The Star report does not mention the man who attacked the 75-year-old woman. That would be Habibullah Ahmad, 21, a "Windsor man," who also calls himself "Daniel." Ahmad inflicted "the worst skull fractures I've seen in my 12 years here in Windsor," as neurosurgeon Dr. Balraj Jhawar told reporters. The victim's lacerated scalp, bruised face and fractured neck vertebrae were "among the most brutal things I've seen in my career."
Dr. Jhawar was uncertain whether Widholm would pull through, but in late October, 2017, Anne was upgraded from critical to serious condition. The next month, her husband Alfred passed away, piling more grief on the woman, who is now in hospital in a comatose state. So Anne's fate remains uncertain, and after they clean up the trail on her behalf, Windsorites should demand that the police clear up more than a few lingering issues. Habibullah Ahmad is 21, which makes him an adult. Why did police not release Ahmad's booking photo? Has Habibullah Ahmad attacked other women? Or was his brutal attack on Anne Widholm his first brush with the law? Why are Windsor police not releasing any other information about Habibullah Ahmad? How long has Habibullah Ahmad lived in Windsor? Does he have family in Windsor? What do family members say about him? Is Habibullah Ahmad a student? If so, what school does he attend? Likewise, where does Habibullah work? What do his colleagues say about him? Habibullah Ahmad is being charged with attempted murder. Has Anne Widholm's attacker entered any kind of plea? Since the 21-year-old man attacked a 75-year-old woman, it is certain that he is a gutless thug. What did Habibullah Ahmad, 21, say about his motive for the unprovoked attack? Like her late husband Alf, Anne Widholm is a Christian. Was Habbibullah Ahmad's attack on Anne Widholm a hate crime? Did racism play any role in the attack? Does Habibullah Ahmad have any affiliations with violent groups abroad? Windsorites might also pose a question to Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne, who campaigns against bullying. Why has she not cited Habibullah Ahmad's attempted murder of Anne Widholm as an example of violence against women? What is the province doing to prevent similar attacks? As Dr. Jhawar said, it was "not just another assault." Habibullah Ahmad's attack on Anne Widholm, was "a new, dark side of Windsor that we can't let propagate." When will Habibullah Ahmad come to trial, and where will the trial be held? Who is handling the prosecution? If Anne Widholm dies, will the charge be changed to murder? More important, does Canada have one system of justice for people like Habibullah Ahmad, and another for people like Anne Widholm? With politicians looking the other way and police keeping people in the dark, it sure seems that way.

Lloyd Billingsley -- Bio and Archives

Lloyd Billingsley is the author of Lethal Injections, about the Elizabeth Wettlaufer case, and most recently Yes I Con: United Fakes of America. His work has appeared in many publications, including his hometown Windsor Star, and Lloyd writes regularly for Frontpage Magazine.