
If the real Nazis stood up, it would include every Democrat and the agencies and corporations that worked with them against the American people

Will the Real Nazis Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Nazis Please Stand Up?
Like most Americans, I'm tired of hearing woke Democrats refer to their opponents as Nazis or fascists. I guess the woke crowd isn't smart enough to know that fascists governments work together with corporations to control and oppress the population - just like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the Marxist media did for the Democrat Party. When corporations are in cahoots with an authoritarian government, that's fascism. In fact, fascists are known for silencing their opponents, and they do not engage in debates. In addition, fascists are also known for using government police (FBI or Gestapo) to arrest their political opponents by conducting armed raids on their homes. All of this has happened in America under Democrat rule, and it's still happening today. Ironically, loyal American patriots are being called Nazis by real Nazis that are dismantling the constitution and running the country into the ground.

Democracy is a government run by the ruling majority. In short, it's simply mob rule. And a nation that holds faux elections isn't a democracy; it's a banana republic

Moreover, aren't we all tired of hearing the term "our democracy' repeated ad nauseam by woke Democrats and media morons? Do these media morons have any idea what a democracy is? Somebody should tell them that a Democracy is a government run by the ruling majority. In short, it's simply mob rule. And a nation that holds faux elections isn't a democracy; it's a banana republic. Furthermore, a nation where the Democrats political opponents are silenced or banned from public forums isn't a Democracy either; it's a fascist dictatorship. In addition, everything is a masquerade under fascism. Nothing is as it seems. The Marxist media masquerades as news and entertainment organizations, although in reality, they are the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.  And "our democracy", as they call it, is simply authoritarian fascism that masquerades as a democracy by holding faux elections. The Democrats became the ruling majority by stuffing ballot boxes in key states with phony mail in ballots, double counting ballots, ballot harvesting, casting ballots for the dead, rigging voting machines, and corrupt election officials. It's simply fascism masquerading as a democracy. Speaking of fascist dictatorships, it's an undeniable fact that Facebook and Twitter censored the Democrat's political opponents, and that's indicative of fascism. In fact, social media became the arbiters of truth along with the Democrat's ministry of propaganda, the Marxist media. Do any of these woke morons realize that the actions of the Democrat controlled government and their media accomplices are examples of fascism? Moreover, fascist Democrats and their accomplices claim to be "woke". They use the word woke to express their imagined intellectual superiority. I say it's imagined because the people who identify as woke are demonstrably ignorant or grossly misinformed; although they believe they know more than anyone else. However, it's obvious that they are out of touch with reality because they make irrational conclusions.
I say they are irrational because it's irrational to conclude that Donald Trump is a fascist or that he colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, as woke Democrats claim. In reality, it was the Clinton and Biden families that took money from Russian and Chinese oligarchs - not Donald Trump. And Hillary Clinton hatched the Russian collusion lie that the FBI used to spy on the Trump campaign for the Democrats. The Russian collusion scam made Watergate look like child's play, and nobody will ever be held accountable for it. Furthermore, social media corporations set themselves up as arbiters of truth and actively worked with the fascist FBI to cover up the activities of the Biden crime family. The media and the FBI lied to the American people about Hunter Biden's laptop. Although they knew Hunter Biden's laptop was authentic, they labeled it Russian disinformation in an effort to discredit it. In short, the FBI and the media lied about the laptop and concealed it's contents from the people, and that is called criminal fascism. Covering up the crimes of others is itself a crime. To sum it all up, Democrats used the FBI to investigate and arrest their political opponents. On top of that, the FBI has been concealing the crimes of high ranking Democrats, and the Hunter Biden laptop is proof of that. The FBI, social media and the Marxist media worked together to promote lies and censor patriotic Americans. They took it even further by concealing the crimes that the Hunter Biden laptop exposed, and by doing so, they all became accessories to those crimes; criminals. If the real Nazis stood up, it would include every Democrat and the agencies and corporations that worked with them against the American people.

Charles Wills -- Bio and Archives

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.