
Constitutional Carry isn't a right wing, White thing

Will Constitutional Carry Magically Make Brothers into Cop Killers?

I just tweeted: "Real case: Years ago at a bus stop I was a block and a half from a drive by shooting, complete with ricochets! Had shooters circled back to fire on me and other person, obeying law would hav left me unarmed and in an untenable position. I'm human enough to deserve Constitutional Carry. -"Cap Black"

Disarming Black men in America has a long, ugly history

Constitutional Carry isn't a right wing, White thing. It's a human rights thing. At issue is whether we're human enough to conceal firearms for self defense without government permission? Violent criminals ignore gun laws. They don't wait for permission to conceal firearms on their persons and use them in commission of serious felony crime. Conversely, law abiding citizens who can legally own firearms in Constitutional Carry states can readily conceal a weapon for self defense, not armed robbery, carjacking or cop killing. And if you're a Black male law abiding citizen who can legally own a firearm, it's abundantly racist to think Constitutional Carry magically makes otherwise police supporting Black men into special threats to law enforcement. I sense unreconstructed racism in the background of the Constitutional Carry veto by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards and law enforcement officials opposing Constitutional Carry. Disarming Black men in America has a long, ugly history.

Nadra Enzi -- Bio and Archives "Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black is a contributor to Canada Free Press, a security writer on touchy topics; security advisor/founder of Borrow A Brother volunteer safety escorts for female friends concerned about carjackings robbery and sexual assault. $realbrocap on Cash App."