
Thought of the Day...Humanity is the victim with the people of Ukraine and so is every democracy on Earth…

Why would the world listen to the United Nations on Climate Change when they would continue to allow what is happening in the Ukraine to go on?

That is for you and your elected officials to decide… Look at the photos, in the article provided from CTV, and think…the United Nations has all of the might of the entire world in its bowels and yet all it seems to do is spew off about the need to end fossil fuel use by the citizens of this world. With the announcement, yesterday, from the UN [1] it’s time for the UN to be dissolved, as it seems more concerned with freezing people; allowing people to die; allowing large war machines to invade and destroy smaller countries; and allowing continued war crimes.
Hitler is looking in on this with a snide smile on his face, as these are the same methods he used during WWII. And what did the World demand – the people of the democratic world, as we knew it then, demanded that Chamberlain [2] step down and that Churchill was to stand. The world needs a Churchill and yet there are none… So, what will become of this? The Ukraine is the canary in the mine for humanity. These purported democratic governments, for all their bluster and might, will continue to allow this to continue. They will rant and rave that this is unacceptable and yet all they will do is more sanctions. They will continue to allow innocent people to be tortured, maimed, raped and destroyed all because they can sit in their ivory towers and look the part of a concerned partner when, in fact, their unwillingness to stand for freedom and democracy should be frightening to everyone – a global dictatorship in the making. These so-called leaders will lambaste you about the climate and how you are destroying the world and yet as they sit in those elitist glass and chrome towers, driving their antique Mercedes, allowing humanity to be destroyed. That is what they do.

This has gone too far and the blue hats are no where to be found

This has gone too far and the blue hats are no where to be found so why have the blue hats and why worry about the climate – it seems we’re at the eve of destruction now because the UN will allow genocide and war crimes all the while telling the people of this world something as meaningless as changing from 2 degrees down to 1.5 degrees is far more important… Humanity is the victim with the people of Ukraine and so is every democracy on Earth… Why would the world listen to the United Nations on Climate Change when they would continue to allow what is happening in the Ukraine to go on? That is for you and your elected officials to decide… REFERENCES [1] UN climate report: It’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees [2] If you don’t know who Chamberlain is – you should so google him and WWII Please read this article: -- Ukraine accuses Russia of massacre, city strewn with bodies

Elizabeth Marshall -- Bio and Archives

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• Non-Partisan Advocate
• Director of Research Ontario Landowners Association
• Author – “Property Rights 101:  An Introduction
• Board Member/Secretary – Canadian Justice Review Board
• Legal Research – Green and Associates Law Offices, etc.,
• Legislative Researcher – MPs, MPPs, Municipal Councilors,
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I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.  Any information relayed is for informational purposes only.  Please contact a lawyer.