
The many disconnects of Barack Obama

Who is Barack Obama?

What is the sum and substance of this man called Barack Obama? Or more to the point, what does the world look like to him from where he is standing?
Judging by his most recent behavior one would surmise that the world in which Obama lives is one where he is fully comfortable speaking and acting like a man who seems to operate without the constrains of a properly functioning moral conscience; a man whose conscience is at best sorely misinformed and at worst irreversibly seared. Obama lives in a world where he can wax eloquent on his firm stance against terrorism, and pledge to invest considerable "defeat-terrorism-worldwide" time an effort to ensure that this evil is eradicated – or at least substantially curtailed; but he also lives in a world where he perceives no imminent threat arising from a decision to close a maximum security facility where many dangerous, unrepentant terrorists are presently being held; and worse, he fails to recognize that his pledge to ignore the previous administration’s arguably sensible, war time categorical principles of adjudication entails that he may be legally forced to set these terrorists loose upon a free society. Obama’s world is one where he feels completely at ease regaling a captive audience of his peers with tales of his steadfast conviction on the principle that no authentic Religion should sanction the cold blooded murder of innocent human beings; but this world in also one in which Obama feels the least moral trepidation when approving measures that require the destruction of nascent human life for dubious scientific purposes or supporting so called “family planning” organizations, which are literally in the business of killing innocent human beings. Obama lives in a world in which he can proudly contend for the uniqueness of his faith in the founder of Christianity, who unequivocally proclaimed his verdict against unbelief by declaring that no one can come to God the father except through him; but in this world Obama also envisions a plausible synthesis between his faith and the eschatological worldview of atheists, the value of which he feels should merit recognition from the rest of the faithful, not to mention the God whose existence they so vehemently deny. In Obama’s world, the traditional family unit is of "families-at-home" paramount importance to the cultivation of a stable society, and he solemnly charges parents with the primary responsibility of rearing emotionally and physically healthy offspring; but in this world Obama also feels ethically unencumbered when appointing a man like David Ogden - who has built his career by challenging legal measures intended to protect children from the pornography industry - to the office of Deputy Attorney General. Obama lives in a world where he can employ his teleprompter aided finesse to inspire confidence and to ease the grave concerns of those worried sick by our present, dire economic situation; But in this world he is also not adverse to appropriating the same rhetoric of fear and panic as a tool for browbeating the unconvinced into swiftly endorsing his specious plans for recovery. These are only a few of the many disconnects, which are so severe, one almost wonders whether Obama is consciously choosing to project a public image of one blissfully unaware that his professed guiding principles and his decisions are constantly at variance. But this is unlikely the case, though it would be a fine strategy for keeping his critics guessing. Rather, Obama is a man who is easily tossed to and fro by the waves of popular opinion; a man who lacks a strong enough spine to stand up to - or perhaps even consciously override - the erratic demands of the far left contingency that procured his promotion, and to which he has gladly surrendered his moral authority. At the same time Obama is a man comfortably roosting on a political stage that has long been ripe for his arrival; one in which the minority party is grievously afflicted by a crisis of integrity and vision, and the majority party’s duty to serve the public has been trumped by a wanton craving for power and influence. Capitalizing on the window of opportunity afforded by this current milieu, Obama whispers peace and compromise in the ears of his detractors, and simultaneously obliges his socially subversive patrons. Thus he is always ready to stand firm on any particular issue at any give time, even if such stances reek of political expediency and seem as capricious as the sundry edicts of a power drunk sovereign. And thanks in no small measure to the seraphic veneer the media has fashioned - and continues to prop up on his behalf - we are only afforded sporadic glimpses of the real Barack Obama. Hence he remains largely the media’s projection of the ideal progressive emancipator; a man plucked from the personality cult factory assembly line. But if character does ordain destiny, one wonders what destiny is apportioned for this nation, which has chosen to be led by a man whose true character we are only now beginning to acquaint ourselves with. What we do know thus far, is that he is determined to foist historically unsound, newly repackaged concepts of social, economic, and foreign policy upon a country that will eventually have to retrace its steps back to reality.

Miguel A. Guanipa -- Bio and Archives

Miguel Guanipa is a freelance journalist.