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Guest Column

The house committee on un-Canadian activities

by Timothy White

May 19, 2003

I just recently discovered that I am a traitor in this country, due to my nonconformist conservative views. I’m one of those agitators--bohemian, radical, scary George Bush sympathizers, who should be watched, and even silenced, should I have an opportunity to express my opinions. Apparently, many believe we conservative radicals are not True Canadians, and should be stripped of our citizenship in the land of the True North Strong and Free. I guess we’re on a black list held by the House Committee of un-Canadian Activities. After all, we’re here to destroy Canada, the Just Society, which champions equality for all, except of course, white Christian conservatives.

I must say it is kind of novel to be among the counter-culture and anti-establishment. Just think, we could have our own coffee houses, benefit concerts supporting Bush, protests followed by wine and cheese parties. We could conduct sit-ins at Parliament, only to be carried away in patty wagons singing "We Shall Overcome", followed with a free night of bed and breakfast in the ‘big house’. Maybe Don Cherry could pose naked like the Dixie Chicks. Then again, maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea. This is cool stuff. I should’ve been a leftist.

Real Canadians tell us agitators: "If you don’t like it here, then leave, go to the States." That wouldn’t be such a bad idea, except the waiting list to get into America is forever, especially for Canadian refugees suspected of SARS or terrorist ties. So we’ll just have to stay here and reek havoc against the leftwing establishment.

It’s fun to fantasize. It would be a pleasure to spray-paint USA all over the houses and cars of socialist czars such as Stephen Lewis, Carolyn Parrish, and most of the Toronto Star editorial staff (except, of course Rosie), just to piss them off. The fact of the matter is that we conservatives don’t have time to behave like leftwing mercenaries. Most of us have responsible jobs, and won’t risk going to the joint, even for principle. And we would certainly be tried and convicted, unlike the leftwing brownshirts, the John Clarke mob (OCAP), who were conveniently granted a mistrial. After all, somebody has to pay for the welfare state that frees up the time for the left to do this kind of stuff. And in this "Just Society," that would be us right wing traitors. We literally pay the price for our radicalism by being the slave force building Trudeau’s Utopia. Maybe that’s why we haven’t been driven out.

This marks the key difference between dissent in Canada, and that of the USA. American dissenters get rich, such as Michael Moore, and in fact have made an industry out of it. On the contrary, dissention here in Canada is anything but big business. While American dissenters gain stature by opposing Capitalism, Canadian conservative radicals are virtually becoming homeless for protesting the socialist status quo.

The very system the American left despises so much is the very platform from which they thrive. Not unlike Meathead from All In The Family, who constantly criticized Archie while sponging off of him. Can you imagine if Archie lived in the Hamptons: do you think Meathead would have been any more inspired to leave? I think not. This all stems from the fact that socialists suck the blood out of free enterprise like ticks. The healthier Capitalism is, the bigger they become, while their puny heads stay the same size. And this marks the biggest difference between American and Canadian traitors. This further explains the hatred of America by Canadian socialists. Jealousy of their American brethren who live larger than they do.

Given this, do you think American dissenters would ever trade places with Canadian dissenters? If they practice what they preach, they should, but when has the left ever practiced what they preached? Michael Moore should get out of his limo and into Canada, and trade his citizenship with some Canadian conservative refugee. After all, living under Canadian socialism would suit him and his crowd well, but he will never give up his two million-dollar Manhattan apartment.

There is no American who despises his own country more than Noam Chomsky. Utopian Canada is right next-door, with the red carpet waiting to be rolled out for him too, and yet the Queen Street West crowd is still waiting for him. And then there is Alec Baldwin. Remember he said he would leave the United States if George W. was elected. Perhaps we all misunderstood, and what he really meant to say was that Kim Bassinger was leaving him. Since then, he has just kept a luxurious low profile, like the rest of the Hollywood socialist slumlords who made fools of themselves recently. Even draft dodgers have gone back to the land of "social injustice."

American traitors have made a huge industry out their radicalism ever since the 1950s. It’s big business. From Hollywood to the ACLU, to the Ted Kennedy’s (wasn’t that the name of some 80s punk band) in the U.S. legislature, many dissenters live large. The more news they make, the more the cash flows. Martin Sheen will probably get another few years out of The Left Wing, I mean the West Wing. Susan Sarandon will continue to sell herself, because bad publicity is the best in show business; remember Hugh Grant.

Here, in the True North Strong and Free, dissenters are taken seriously. Don Cherry had to bite his lip and almost faced termination. His views were further silenced as the transcript to that particular pro-Bush episode was conveniently made unavailable on the internet (no censorship in Canada, eh). Remember Stockwell Day’s media assassination when his evangelical Christianity was exposed? The left need not waste their time in taking away voting rights from us traitors. Surely they know this is a one party state that the NDP run, I mean the Liberals. Excuse me, there is a huge difference.

Ironically, capitalism seems to reward all, including its opponents. Socialism here in Canada, like everywhere else, endeavors to eliminate its’ critics. So much for the radical conservative coffee houses, unless they go underground.

In the spirit of 60s style behavior, we’ve seen writer Patricia Pearson bite the hand that feeds her and trash the National Post, the newspaper that gave her a break in journalism. Just like her fellow socialist enforcers, she’s on the attack towards anyone who doesn’t follow her vision of a one party, French ruled, socialist Canada. And, of course she’s anti-American, because in similar fashion, the U.S.A., like our parents, have provided for and protected us. Canada’s identity, other than hockey, which is seemingly being replaced with Trudeau’s "Just Society" and its’ majestic landscape, is intimately conjoined with American culture, whether you like it or not. Anybody who thinks otherwise is having a 60’s LSD flashback. If we’re so different, then why do Americans wear Canadian flags when traveling across Europe? I don’t think its because Americans love Chretien.

The left will say Canada is a much greater nation for our social services. The only reason we have socialized medicine is because we have sacrificed our military; otherwise taxes for both defense and Medicare would virtually take our entire paycheck. And the reason we sacrificed our defense is because we know Uncle Sam will be there to take care of us, just like Mom and Dad, and just like Archie. Don’t be too sure that this time the prodigal son will be received with open arms.

I suppose if anything good should come out of this, it could be that this is a turning point headed in the right direction, pun intended. After the blacklist of Hollywood, and McCarthy literally dead the next year (interesting), the left marched into tinsel town like the Chinese Army. Prohibition was lifted, and everybody was intoxicated on socialism. Now you know why today the Sheens and Penns criticize American efforts to stop socialist regimes like the Baath party. Contrarily, Clark Gable and Jimmy Stewart enlisted, and actually fought the socialist Nazis in the 1940’s. Of course they were part of the Greatest Generation, and not today’s Ungrateful Generation.

On this anniversary year of the House Committee of Un-American activities, co-chaired by the Liberal darling himself Bobby Kennedy (somehow that’s been kept low profile along with Democrat Mitchell Palmer who led the first red scare in the 20’s), maybe we right wing traitors can finally expose the House Committee on un-Canadian activities. Then perhaps we’ll be able to take back the night in the same fury that the left took Hollywood after their ban was lifted. Then again, we wouldn’t cease anything because we right wing, radical non-conforming traitors just want true democracy.