
Our sleepy towns filled with happy Americans are under attack by the black hat cowboys

What Would John Do?

imageI grew up with Saturday morning cartoons AND 30 minute western shows. You would think because I was a young girl I wouldn’t like westerns but I did. I loved them because the good guy always won and the pretty girl won the good guy! Most westerns would start with a sleepy town going about their business. Women would be walking towards the mercantile to purchase fabric for clothing and men would tip their hat to them as they walked by. The background music would escalate as an unfamiliar man would appear on the dusty road with a black hat and riding a big horse. The men would stare him down and the women would peek from the window to see what was happening.
This man would create havoc in the sleepy little town and men would be shot by this bad man in the black hat. The town would become ghost-like and the people would hide out in their homes and stores and you could see them peering out of the windows, trembling in fear. Then suddenly -- a good guy wearing a white hat with a rifle on his saddle would appear on the screen. He would take down the bad guy and the town would come back to life again. Saturday mornings would end and out the screen door we would go to act out those western shows and pretend we were saving the town. After we played hard and the town would be back to life again, we would head back indoors for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a tall glass of milk. Cowboy food! Our sleepy towns filled with happy Americans are under attack by the black hat cowboys. They are spitting on our liberties and threatening us. We have run for cover and peer out the window in hopes that a good guy wearing a white hat will show up soon and rescue the town. I have news for you… “That only happens in the movies and this time it’s up to us to wear the white hats.” In just one week’s time, the bad cowboys are up to no good. I can’t begin to send you all the trash talking they have going on but here are just a few for you to be aware of:
  1. Bad Boy Rahm Emmanuel: “If you are on a No-Fly list, you can’t buy a handgun in America.” Sounds good doesn’t it? Unfortunately for us, they think we are the terrorists. We the People, that is. Chicago Mayor and our gun rights
  2. So if you are on a No-Fly list, did you know you might not know about it? Remember this Administration labeled a tea party member as a terrorist and who will keep us off the No-Fly list? Will our name appear there and we have no recourse to fight it? Will we then be told we can’t have a gun which is our 2nd Amendment Rights? Read this: Secret Watchlist by Homeland Security
  3. Will the Bad Cowboys tell parents how to raise their children and if they don’t – have the arrested? That would only happen in movies, right? Unfortunately, it is already happening and it could happen to you and your family. See this: Parental Rights Under Attack
In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, a story appeared titled “The Danger of Underestimating Obama.” This could have been written in the sleepy western town’s daily newspaper with the headline “Watch your back, the bad guy is in town.” Townspeople would gather in the saloon to discuss the article and suddenly the wooden saloon doors would swing open and the bad guy would be standing there. The people would tremble as he made his way to the bar where the bartender would shakily pour him a drink and the cowboy would chug it down. He’d turn to the small crowd gathered in the back of the room and would let them know he was on to them. He would shoot one of them just to keep them in their place. Then he would leave and they would rush to help the one who was shot. The camera would zoom in on them as one of the women would say “What are we going to do now?” Do you feel like that right now? Do you wonder what we are going to do as our liberties are taken from us on a daily basis and the Bad Cowboys are running our country? We have the answer. Rally your townspeople and meet up in your local establishment for a tea party meeting. Talk about what they are doing and get the message out that the bad boy cowboys are running loose in America. Liberty is at stake and it’s our job to save it. There is a great quote that goes around and around the internet and it appears that it is a good one for this blog today. “All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to stand by and do nothing.” – Edmund Burke My favorite cowboy was John Wayne and I wonder what he would do if he were alive today. John loved this country not only in the movies but in real life. America is precious and John knew it. I’m pretty confident he would be riding into Washington DC on the biggest horse you’ve ever seen with a large white hat and spurs clicking when he walked. He’d show up in the halls of Congress and he would say “What the dickens is the matter with you guys? Why are you letting the townspeople of America down with your laws and rules? Do you know how you look to them? You look like a bunch of weenies and they want cowboys with guts and courage to lead them. Get off your duffs and do something to help them. Put on your big boy pants and get to work fixing this mess you made. Saddle up your horses, put on your white hats and kick the bad cowboys out of town. ” John would then walk back outside to his waiting horse as Congress followed him to the door. He would slide back on his horse, tip his white hat, and then would say “Don’t make me come back here, boys.” He’d ride off in the sunset and America would be saved. John Wayne’s not here but he left a whole society of Saturday morning cowboys and cowgirls behind to continue on his mission. He’s counting on you to save the USA because she is worth saving. From John Wayne himself - Why do I love America? Saddle up!

Billie J. Tucker -- Bio and Archives

Billie J. Tucker
CEO/Executive Coach/Corporate Facilitator/Tea Party Leader

Billie Tucker has spent her entire career working with CEOs and executives.  She has earned a reputation for her keen understanding of the motivations, challenges and goals of executives and her experience in coaching them to become more effective.  Because of her experiences, she has emerged as a key source for the media and others who want to understand important insights about executives, management teams and Board dynamics.