
Welcome to the Centralized State of Communism, the CS of C, run by the Fascist Democrat Regime

What Will the Radical Left Insurrectionists Do?

Democrats in Congress are in such a hurry to begin Unmaking America that they are demanding President Trump leave office before his term in the White House ends in ten days, when the new President will be inaugurated. How predictable they are. Without any consideration of the reality of the situation, their next move is another round of the Democrats in the House of Representatives abandoning their legislative responsibilities and turning the House into a Star Chamber of impeachment against President Trump. Stop! Reality Check, please! Talk of impeachment conviction and removal from office is pointless without showing proof how it would even come close to 2/3 of the Senate voting for it. Actually, one short article, listing at least 34 of the Senators who would not vote for it, would put the issue to rest, Any Washington, D.C. journalist could have that article, complete with quotes from interviews, published before Monday night.

New Radical Left Insurrectionist Congress

But if that’s what Speaker Pelosi wants to do, we can be thankful there will at least be 10 days where the new Radical Left Insurrectionist Congress won’t be voting our nation into communism. Ever since a Democrat made up that there was an insurrection Wednesday by Donald Trump, every Democrat-propagandized person has been repeating it and treating the false propaganda statement as the basis for their further thoughts and actions. However, to many people in addition to the 80 million Trump supporting “insurrectionists,” what happened - an act of vandalism by at most a few hundred people, with no goal and no mass organization and implementation plan - in no way even resembled an insurrection. Why, last summer, when massive simultaneous riots occurred in cities across America, causing billions of dollars of damage, no Democrat or media propagandist called that an insurrection. The word “insurrection” was judiciously avoided even as armed citizens created a self-declared autonomous zone in Seattle and during the multi-night effort to destroy a Portland federal courthouse. This isn’t really about Donald Trump, though. However they manipulate things and misuse words against their #1 Enemy, Donald Trump, their desire is to treat all 80 million Trump supporters just as bad. The House and Senate (unless they become the de facto Executive branch), are about to become little more than Committees for the Biden (read Democrat placeholder) administration to use as Star Chambers to execute vengeance on everyone who doesn’t renounce a Presidency that was literally (meaning actually) Making America Great Again.

Adam Schiff the greatest liar the New York Times failed to call out since Josef Stalin

Adam Schiff the greatest liar the New York Times failed to call out since Josef Stalin, will join with Speaker Pelosi in violating Constitutional rights under the guise of House rules and try to get Senator Schumer, the new Senate Majority leader [gag], to make a majority of Senators rubber stamp every piece of legislation that their far-Left educated staffers in the House and Senate create, striving to remake America in the image of a communist centralized bureaucracy. To paraphrase the recorded message on Mission: Impossible, your mission, 80 million Trump supporters, if you decide to accept it, is to do everything you can to stop us hurtling toward destruction. Of course the Secretary [of State], the rest of the Biden Administration, and their obliging media, will disavow any knowledge of you. The new Administration will say Trump operatives (I.e., the American people) have gone Rogue and they will do everything in their power to stop us. Welcome to the Centralized State of Communism, the CS of C, run by the Fascist Democrat Regime. But we’ll see you soon again, US of A! The movement to Make America Great Again does not end with a change in the Presidency!

Rolf Yungclas -- Bio and Archives

Rolf Yungclas is a recently retired newspaper editor from southwest Kansas who has been speaking out on the issues of the day in newspapers and online for over 15 years