
Hysterical media coverage has frightened many Americans to believe that coronavirus is a virtual death sentence for most people who contract it. Is that true?

What the University of Alabama’s football stadium tells us about surviving Covid-19

What the University of Alabama’s football stadium tells us about surviving Covid-19In many states and cities, coronavirus mitigation mandates are preventing children from returning to school and non-essential businesses from reopening. Are these extreme measures still warranted? Or were they ever warranted in the first place? Data from the Centers for Disease Control provide a clue. According to CDC Covid-19 survival statistics quoted on the Sept. 26 and Oct. 5 editions of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Covid-19 poses virtually no mortal threat to the overwhelming majority of the American people. Repeat: According to CDC statistics, Covid-19 poses virtually no mortal threat to the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Here are a few of the CDC’s Covid-19 survival rates by age:
● Age 1 to age 69: 99% ● Age 70 and above: 94.6% ● Under age 49: 99.98% ● Under age 20: 99.997%
In other words, for people under 20 years of age, which includes school children, the chance of dying from Covid-19 is 0.003%. That’s three thousandths of one percent, or 3 deaths per every 100,000 under-20 Covid-infected patients.

What Alabama’s football stadium tells us about Covid survival rates

To get a visual of the overwhelming odds of an under-20 person surviving Covid-19, take a look at the University of Alabama’s Bryant-Denny Stadium, seating capacity 100,000. If each seat in the stadium represents an under-20 Covid-infected patient, then 3 of those seats would be occupied by someone who would die of the disease. The other 99,997 seats would represent the number of under-20 Covid patients who would survive. What Alabama’s football stadium tells us about Covid survival rates

A CDC chart has more good news about coronavirus mortality

Of course, survival prospects of elderly Covid patients are considerably lower. According the CDC, patients age 70 and above have a survival rate of only 94.6%, which is why adult children and grandchildren of elderly people should do everything in their power to avoid contracting the easily transmissible disease. Prepared by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, the chart below shows Covid-19 deaths by week, from Feb. 1 through Sept. 26. As shown by the chart, weekly deaths have been steadily declining since mid-August. A CDC chart has more good news about coronavirus mortality

More suicides, alcoholism and domestic violence. Democrats have three words for all of that: Mission Nearly Accomplished

In spite of that encouraging development, ongoing lockdowns are preventing millions of children from going back to school, millions of businesses from reopening, and millions of adults from going back to their job. Considering the encouraging downward trend shown on the chart and the encouraging Covid-19 survival rates cited by the CDC, why are blue-state governors and blue-city mayors refusing to allow children to go to school and prohibiting non-essential businesses from reopening? And why are the non-Fox networks bending over backwards to create a crisis atmosphere? Coronavirus mitigation decisions by Democrat governors and mayors—and the mainstream media’s alarming coverage of the pandemic—are not based on science, despite what they say to the contrary. Those decisions and that coverage are intended to keep voters in a constant state of fear in hopes of influencing the election. Meanwhile, students are being kept out of school, parents with young children are unable to go to work, businesses are going under by the droves, and furloughed workers are struggling to pay their bills, leading to more suicides, alcoholism and domestic violence. Democrats have three words for all of that: Mission Nearly Accomplished.

John Eidson -- Bio and Archives

Since 2008, John has written nearly 900 freelance articles distributed (free of charge) exclusively via email to my large e-distribution list. John is a conservative political independent with an electrical engineering degree from Georgia Tech (1968).