
God protect us from an incoming activist president whose personal pronouns are “Me, Myself and I”.

What Could Possibly Be Worse Than Joe Biden? Michelle Obama as Barack’s 4th Term

By —— Bio and Archives--April 26, 2023

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Former First Lady Michelle Obama has sent word round the ‘Net in a recent podcast letting all know that she cried for a full half hour after she and Barack boarded Air Force One upon leaving the White House for the last time.

Don’t cry for Argentina nor for Michelle Obama because her half hour of ‘uncontrollable sobbing’ after leaving the White House for the last time is nothing compared to the millions of heartbroken Americans left in helpless tears when her husband Barack left the country in a tragic state which he brazenly called the ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’.

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By ItsJo on 2023 04 25

What a Crock, Michelle REALLY IS....She, who at the 9/11 day memorial was caught saying: "ALL THIS FOR A DAMN FLAG".....
This, is among Many things Both the Obama's did AGAINST America, that HE promised to CHANGE FUNDAMENTALLY and he did, for the Worst.

Guess no one supposed to notice when Barack gave OUR ENEMY-IRAN, Billions
to 'Continue their agenda for nuclear weaponry? How about HE should have been charged with 'TREASON, for aiding and abetting our enemy"...but with thse two who ARE Really Racist-Unless whites are billionaires they hob nob with..
Just read HER Thesis and you will know Michelle for who she Really Is!!!

Just as Soros 'Put in the Fix w/O's second term-w/ "SCYTL" manufacturer in Spain of the Voting Machines used for O's second run, against Mitt Romney...
as an investor, who PUSHED for our election to use these machines. It was when the voters chose 'Romney, they SAW their vote go to Obama instead, when they complained to the poll workers, they merely said:
"Oh that's JUST A MACHINE ERROR".....Kinda like the 2020 the Dems had now perfected as voters could not SEE THEIR VOTE RESULT!

Biden got in, with Soros/Obama/Etal. using same Tactics that "Dementia Addled Biden BLURTED OUT DURING THE CAMPAIGN, WHEN A MONTH BEFORE THE 2020 ELECTION:

"We have put together the Most Extensive and Inclusive "VOTER FRAUD ORG. IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN POLITICS"
Joe Biden, Oct. 24,2020 (One Month BEFORE THE 2020)

This, is why Joe Biden was KEPT in the basement so he wouldn't BLURT out things like this , as O/Soros/etal. HID these things FROM American Voters!!!

Now it is clear that Obamas are looking to "CONTINUE their Agenda 'To Take Down (arrogant-Barack's words) America!

By Brave Heart on 2023 04 25

It is amazing how a once great and for the most part Godly nation has turned into a feminist God and male hating baby murdering perversion promoting war mongering police state.

The fight for liberty is being lost becasue so many decent yet benighted people think it is merely a political battle, rather than the truth that it is a spiritual battle.

Americans need to turn back to God quickly, and sincerely. Get our priorities right.
The Founders sacrifices much that we might inherit liberty. Are we going to do the same for our posterity?

By Totsy on 2023 04 25

Michel Lavigne Robinson should have stayed where he was good, on the football team. He/it is not fit for much of anything except for barry soetoro, they are as useful to America as tits on a boar hog. Please pardon my language, it's nicer than what I wanted to say.
We've just lost Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiroma is next, then Jesse Waters and probably Greg Gutfeld and we'll really miss Judge Jenine Pirro, all good, honest people BUT the old man murdoch now runs faux, they will lose.

By Veto Longwene on 2023 04 26

Is there a law that requires a presidential candidate to prove their biological gender before eligibility? If not, there should be.

By PvtCharlieSlate on 2023 04 27

Reasons why Michelle is a viable candidate:
1. She possesses the all-important lady parts (supposedly);
2. She is infused with an ample supply of melanin;
3. She is the spouse of a former President;
4. She is as strong and healthy as an ox - and almost as smart.