
The impeachment effort rises to the level of ridiculous

What A Difference A Year Makes: And Who Is Asking

A year ago, half the populace was demanding an orange jump suit and iron bars for Hillary Clinton. Then POTUS Obama felt a compulsion to come to her rescue and try to save her derriere. Obama made several public TV appearances on her behalf, one of which is printed below.
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times - Sunday, April 10, 2016
President Obama said Sunday that Hillary Clinton showed "carelessness" by using a private email server, but he also strongly defended his former secretary of state, saying she did not endanger national security, while also vowing that an ongoing FBI investigation into the matter will not be tainted by politics. In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," Mr. Obama seemed to prejudge the outcome of the ongoing inquiry into Mrs. Clinton's email scandal, and he disputed the notion that any of the emails contained classified information of true importance. "She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy," he said. "What I also know is that there's classified and then there's classified. There's stuff that is really top secret top secret, and then there's stuff that is being presented to the president, the secretary of state, you may not want going out over the wire." But Mr. Obama also conceded that Mrs. Clinton used poor judgment in choosing to conduct official business through a private account rather than use a State.gov address. Mrs. Clinton herself has said that was a poor choice and she wishes she had done things differently. "I continue to believe she has not jeopardized America's national security," the president said. "There's a carelessness in terms of managing emails that she has owned and she recognizes. But I also think it is important to keep this in perspective."
Fast forward a year and note that current POTUS Trump is concerned about the possible prosecution of his former national security advisor Michael Flynn. Trump may have asked FBI Director Comey to take a kindly look at the situation. Now note the difference in how the media treats Trump's solicitation on behalf of Flynn. PoliZette by Jim Stinson | Updated 17May 2017 at 8:08 AM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer wasted no time late Tuesday in taking the second major controversy to strike the White House this week and use it to demand the impeachment of the president. The New York Times reported late Tuesday that fired FBI Director James Comey had generated a memo to record that Trump had asked him to consider ending the investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. CNN's legal analyst, extreme liberal Jeff Toobin, said the memo could prove an impeachable offense. Blitzer then ambushed the next guest, and asked about--the holy grail for the Left in their long war with Trump--impeachment. "You heard Jeff Toobin say, if this is true, if the president asked the FBI to end the investigation into Michael Flynn as former national security adviser, you heard Jeffrey Toobin say it would be an obstruction of justice, and potentially that could be impeachable," said Blitzer. "An impeachable offense."
RAC Comment: From remarks made by legal authorities it seems to me neither of the above pleas for consideration in the plight of a high ranking government employee rises to the level of "obstruction of justice". If both Obama and Trump had threatened Comey with dismissal unless he commanded the cessation of probes into the activities of Hillary and Flynn respectively, both POTUSes may have been guilty of interfering in a legal process. But neither did so. The impeachment effort rises to the level of ridiculous.

Bob Christie -- Bio and Archives

Bob was born in Toronto and began his financial career as a trader on the Toronto Stock Exchange. He relocated to California and became SVP and CFO of a $multi-billion diversified financial entity. He served on the board of many companies in Canada and US. An avid yachtsman, he owns a twin diesel ocean going vessel once featured in Architectural Digest magazine. He maintains a hockey web site. “slapshotreport.com” and currently resides in Sausalito, California.