
The Unholy Alliance of Islamism and the Left

Welcome Back, Khadr?

Tarek Fatah would gladly have terrorist Omar Khadr over for dinner, he told the Canadian Patriotic Society in Toronto on Wednesday evening. Most certainly the young Canadian, an inmate at Guantanamo, can come back to Canada, his country.
Fatah, a Muslim, and tireless human rights activist, is speaking at The Return of Omar Khadr- the Unholy Alliance of Islamism and the Left, not to the usual deluded who frequently gather to decry the alleged “torture” of this “child soldier.” The cold blooded killer, who trained eagerly and willingly with al Qaeda in poisons, bomb making, and urban warfare tactics, is the darling of the “social justice” crowd. There is the usual dead silence from these about the hundreds of thousands of innocent children enduring real torture and slavery and rape and castration, but an unrepentant jihadist? Now there’s a Canadian hero. “My home was ready,” Fatah continued. “My wife was a little upset with me.” A chuckle rose over the crowd of about 250. But Fatah, who said that he believed even the most evil men could find good inside them, had a few preconditions for his potential supper guest. “First of all, he must renounce jihad and the application of jihad and sharia law. Secondly, he must renounce his father’s work in jihad.”
Guess who’s not coming for dinner? Fatah, born in Pakistan, grew somber as he pointed out the cost of welcoming back Khadr. “His return will be deeply humiliating to those of us who came to Canada to escape from terrorism,” he said, a consideration that should readily occur to anyone concerned with human rights. The red carpet for pet Khadr is a slap in the face to “those of us who fled Pakistan, where a million people were slaughtered by this kind. We are the people who know what Islamofascism is.” Majed El Shafie also understands the reality of terrorism a bit better than the “activists” who put scare quotes around the word. Born in Cairo to a Muslim family, el Shafie committed apostasy by becoming a Christian as a teenager. For this, a capital offense under sharia law, he was imprisoned and brutalized. El Shafie was crucified to a wooden board just like his Savior. “They cut deeply into my back with lawn shears and rubbed salt into the wounds,” he told filmmaker Martin Himel in a recent documentary, “Persecuted Christians.” To us, he said, “I was arrested by people like Omar Khadr, I was tortured by people like him. Even now I have my nightmares, I have my scars.” The real damage, he said, was the lesson that this perverted brand of social justice would send to hopeful jihadis- “That you can kill and then come and live free in Canada.” The crucifixion of El Shafie has parallels a million times over, but most media find these stories a waste of ink. Khadr, on the other hand, is blasphemously showcased on the cover of purported human rights magazines like Briarpatch, who showed a junior high photo of Khadr in a crown of thorns like Christ, along with the caption, “What fate for the least of our brothers?” In true treasonous form, the magazine boasts, “fighting the war on error.” Self-described as a Nazi hunter, Meir Weinstein of the Jewish Defence League conceded that Khadr is an inspiration to terrorists. He pointed out the real children who “deserve our support and compassion,” kids of all faiths who are murdered by Islamists every day. “We have to turn over the rocks and expose what is crawling underneath.” Interestingly, this trilogy of speakers, along with Canadian Patriotic Society founder Shobie Kapoor, reflected true multiculturalism, true “interfaith dialogue.” The audience, too, was a proud Canadian mixture of cultures and faiths, all gathered to share Canada’s core value and most precious gift- freedom. It was the first community meeting of Kapoor’s Society, founded after being inspired from reading Ezra Levant’s book, The Enemy Within: Terror, Lies, and the Whitewashing of Omar Khadr. Levant is a favourite target of hate from terror apologists who have spat on his book with the usual tired accusations of “right wing” and “Islamophobia.” But the facts in the thoroughly researched book go uncontested. Indeed, more than 70 points from Dr. Michael Welner about why Omar Khadr is a dangerous, fully culpable criminal, go uncontested even by Khadr’s own lawyers. The psychiatrist found Khadr to be a brilliant and manipulative radical whose first loyalty is to jihad. Chillingly, Khadr remains proud of his murder and freely brags that he fantasizes about it when he’s depressed. Ezra Levant was not scheduled to speak but surprised us with his attendance. “Khadr is being used as a political weapon to undermine Canadian values,” he said. “The media has built a narrative where Al Qaeda is the victim and we are the oppressor.” Imagine, he said, “the moral damage to our society” when the cockily unrepentant killer, who was originally sentenced to 40 years before sweethearting a plea deal for 8 years plus time served, marches free on our streets. It was this complete lack of remorse, Levant said, “that so terrified Dr. Welner, one of the world’s top forensic psychiatrists…who has been with the most hardened criminals out there.” Kudos to Shobie Kapoor for this grassroots society, which sprouted from citizen discontent and a thirst for genuine social justice. “Omar is a symptom of larger sickness in society,” she said. “I’m tired of this complete moral inversion.” And so are we. Petition to Stop Terrorist Omar Khadr from returning to Canada

Lorette C. Luzajic -- Bio and Archives [i]Lorette C. Luzajic is an artist and writer at [url="http://Ideafountain.ca"]Ideafountain.ca[/url].[/i]