
We Need Answers To These Questions, Minister Elliott

Dear Minister Elliott, Many of Ontario’s citizens are increasingly anxious about the – apparently never ending—restrictions of their former activities and undertakings to earn a living. No doubt, you are aware of such strains on our lives – all due to the government’s COVID-19 (plus “variants’) restrictions. To be blunt, a few monetary concessions, while they may be felt as a welcome lifeline to a few, are hardly more than a few drops of water on a hot stone. What is urgently needed is a wholly new approach by the Health Ontario Ministry to this pandemic conundrum. Let me explain:

Questions That Need Answers

  1. The daily TV news with the number of “new cases” is a massive obfuscation. For example, neither positive nor negative (as mentioned in (Dec. 21st (11 pm CTV news), the standard COVID- 19 (PCR type) tests don’t mean anything in terms of anyone (testing positive or negative) to being able to propagate the virus. Hence my first question:

    QUESTION 1: What are all those tests then actually good for?
  2. Quite recently, there were one or more reports about a sharp increase of stillbirths in some hospitals (e.g. in Waterloo region). I did see your recorded statement in response, that essentially, said “move on, nothing to see here.”

    However, you did not give any actual numbers of such. Therefore, my:

    QUESTION 2: Do you actually have the relevant numbers, by hospital and month, for the period November 2020 to November 2021 (all inclusive) and can share them with all Ontarians?

    I certainly would hope so!
  1. Even more worrisome are recent data on “in-utero” and “neonatal” (up to 4 weeks after live birth) deaths of next generation’s Ontarians. Reading about the sharp increase of such events elsewhere in The Light ( issue 16, p. 18, attached image as file “Deaths.pdf”), I wonder if you can answer my:

    QUESTION 3: Do you have any information on actual numbers of “in-utero” deaths, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths in Ontario, by month between November 2020 and November 2021, preferably by hospital or city/region that could clearly show that concerns in this regard should (or not) be taken seriously?
For you, as Minister of Health of the Province of Ontario that comprises nearly half of the entire population of Canada, I opine that your staff ought to have all the relevant data to my questions above on hand already. If not, perhaps you ought to “put the spurs to them” and ditto to the various local hospital administrators, many of whom earn more than a whole slew of nurses. Therefore, also, I would expect to receive your detailed answers to my questions in the near future. With my wishes for a Merry Christmas and a better year 2022 ahead! Yours truly, cc: Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario (per website submission) bc: MPP, media, and others

Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser is author of CONVENIENT MYTHS, the green revolution – perceptions, politics, and facts Convenient Myths