
Chis Christie’s stupidity and arrogance has exposed him to be void of all political conviction but long on political ambition

Waterloo at Fort Lee?

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap." However, hubris often is.
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte made the first observation. The second belongs to me, a one-time investigator and auditor within government. Together, they capture the average law-abiding taxpayer's general disgust at the hubris demonstrated by New Jersey governor Chris Christie and his subalterns in what has nationally become known as "Bridgegate." As Bridgegate grows there are planned or in progress between two and three investigations, including one by the U.S. Attorney, ostensibly to shed light on the effects of the management, or more aptly, mismanagement style of Christie. Yet there is a different crisis encircling the just re-inaugurated governor. That being whether Chris Christie, Republican, the new leader of the Republican Governors Association, presumed presidential frontrunner of the GOP, (that's Gang of Plutocrats, to we average folk) should even be considered a viable candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. In case you have been orbiting with India's Mars rover, hiding under a rock, or not paying attention to the headlines, here in a nutshell is what Christie and his appointed management team has fessed up to:
The George Washington Bridge, which connects New Jersey and New York from the cities of Fort Lee and New York, is one of the most travelled of commuter spans in the country. It was subjected to a series of unnecessary lane shutdowns over a period of four days sometime last September. The reason: political payback. All allegedly conceived, planned and executed without the knowledge or direction of Christie.
Christie won re-election by taking nearly 60 percent of the vote in the heavily Democratic state. Team Christie had previously won their boss positive national and international recognition for his handling of Superstorm Sandy and the Obama/Bromance pre re-election waltz/hug in 2012. As Mitt Romney waited to hear the news that he would not be the 45th President, the party spin-meisters and Christie flacks were already christening Christie as "Reagan 2.0" and destined for White House occupancy. But despite winning by such a majority, Team Christie was unable to add the endorsement of the mayor of Fort Lee, Mark Sokolich, Democrat. This opened the door for Team Christie's payback on Fort Lee and Sokolich as anyone familiar with the little games that big boys and big girls play in the dirty sport of politics. Those affected by the lane closures included toll paying commuters en route to work, children en route to school, and the elderly. But most egregiously was the snarling of emergency personnel response times. A 91-year-old woman, in need of emergency medical assistance that arrived late due to the closures, subsequently died. The bridge closures conceived as political revenge had the affect of only harming those who have contemptuously been called "the little people." What meat does this would-be Caesar Christie eat? Perhaps, better phrased: what is Caesar Christie's meat spiked with, that he and his confederates dare pull this kind of a stunt and think they could evade public attention? This writer has seen political appointees get petty, but when you risk lives you breach all acceptable behavior--not to mention the calculable boundaries within politics. Can New Jersey residents next expect the establishment of droit de seigneur? (Considering Christie's flip on gay-marriage, what kind of Pandora's Box might that open in 2016?) In the wake of Bridgegate going public, Christie did the predictable. Two of his underlings, including a Deputy Chief of Staff fell on their swords (that's "fired" in plain speak). Then the press conference: over 100 minutes filled with mea culpas. Christie was contrite, but not succinct. Anyone who ever appeared in either a court of law, or a court of public opinion knows less said, the better. When in damage control mode, action is the greatest form of eloquence. The Governor was widely condemned throughout much of the media for his self-serving denials and portrayal as a victim of his out of control subalterns. Before one could say, "Send in the Clowns," straight from GOP central casting came the same tiresome members out to defend the indefensible: pundits and loud-mouthed overpaid know-nothings resorting to the same tired tricks used for years: liberal media bias hatched by pro-Hillary supporters. In the meantime, Christie has "lawyered up". And the accusations against Christie showing financial favoritism to Democrats who supported his re-election continue to mount, painting him as the candidate who loves all for a price. Could this all be a clever attempt by the liberal media to sully the Republican governor as a bi-partisan statesman? Possibly. Could there also be aliens held at "Area 51"? Possibly. Time and patience will ultimately sort out the continuing charges against Christie. Presently, Christie is damaged goods on the way to becoming spoiled goods as a Republican presidential candidate. (Ultimately, a gift for conservative Republicans.) The perception continues to grow that Christie is devoid of any political conviction and lacks the most important trait needed in a president: character. For those who vote Conservative, Republican - or just against Democrats--the question to ponder about a Christie presidential run is can "Faute de Mieux" stop "Hillary in 2016"? My vote is decidedly no.

J. Laurence Simpson -- Bio and Archives

J. Laurence Simpson has worked as an investigator, accountant, and auditor in both the public and private sectors.