
The foolish female senator from Massachusetts had inflicted a fatal wound on the Democrats’ impeachment monster

Warren’s Blunder Killed The Democrats’ Case for More Impeachment Witnesses

Warren’s Blunder Killed The Democrats’ Case for More Impeachment WitnessesDemocrat Senator Elizabeth Warren’s obnoxious question, slamming the legitimacy of John Roberts, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who was presiding over this Senate impeachment trial, was one of the pivotal moments in the Senate impeachment hearing. Warren’s totally inappropriate question turned the tide on the issue of additional witnesses, the only outstanding question, during the entire farce of the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump.
Chief Justice Roberts, reading the question submitted from Warren, stated:
“The question from Sen. Warren is for the House managers. At a time when large majorities of Americans have lost faith in government, does the fact the chief justice is presiding over an impeachment trial in which Republican senators have thus far refused to allow witnesses or evidence contribute to the loss of legitimacy of the chief justice, the Supreme Court and the Constitution?”
You could almost hear and see an audible gasp from the Senators on both sides of the aisle. This question was a clear challenge to Robert’s credibility, integrity and legitimacy and that of the entire U.S. Supreme Court. Upon reading this ridiculous question, Roberts tried, but failed to keep his face implacable and impartial. Roberts made a weird disapproving face with his lips. The inscrutable Roberts was clearly not pleased. Nor was moderate Republican Senator Murkowski, very pleased. Murkowski at the time of Warren’s pivotal question, was sitting on the proverbial fence as to the need for more witnesses.

Warren had opened up a massive wound in the already hemorrhaging Democratic case against Trump

Even the lead House manager and chief prosecutor Democratic Adam Schiff knew Warren had just destroyed the Democrats’ carefully constructed case for more witnesses. Schiff rushed to the podium. To try to stem the bleeding. Because Warren had opened up a massive wound in the already hemorrhaging Democratic case against Trump. “Senator,” Schiff stated in response, “I would not say that it contributes to a loss of confidence in the chief justice. I think the chief justice has presided admirably.” But irreparable damage had already been done. Blood kept spurting from the corpse of Schiff’s case. Reading between the lines, this is what Schiff obviously meant. “Warren, what have you done? You just lost our already weak case on the witnesses, You just publicly embarrassed the Chief Justice in your transparent attempt to shame the Chief Justice to vote on our side. We just lost the witnesses because of your political grandstanding.”

Pelosi/Schiff/Nadler misguided impeachment strategy hymn book

But Adam Schiff should not be so hard on the hapless Warren, who was just reading from and following the Pelosi/Schiff/Nadler misguided impeachment strategy hymn book. This was an incredibly thoughtless strategy to convict President Trump in the Senate by arguing that not only was Trump a criminal, but the Senate Republicans themselves, the actual jury, hearing the Democrats’ case against Trump, would be criminals themselves and traitors for not convicting Trump. Following this crazy Alice in Wonderland logic, the Democrats then argued that the Senate Republicans who disallowed new witnesses were also criminals for covering up the truth. And if the Senate Republicans were criminals for disallowing witnesses, hence the entire Senate impeachment proceedings were illegitimate. And if these Senate proceedings were illegitimate, then Chief Justice who presided over these so-called illegitimate proceedings, was also illegitimate. And since the Chief Justice was representative of the entire Supreme Court, so in Warren’s twisted logic, the whole Supreme Court was illegitimate, if Chief Justice stood by and did not intervene to prevent the GOP-controlled Senate from disallowing witnesses.

Twisted method to Warren’s madness

Fortunately Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski saw there was a twisted method to Warren’s madness. Warren envisioned that the Republican Senators Collins, Romney and Murkowski would vote for witnesses. Hence there were be a 50 to 50 split in the Senate on the question of additional witnesses. Warren hoped by attacking and shaming Chief Justice Roberts, Roberts would cast the deciding vote for more witnesses. In an historic letter, Murkowski issued a public statement which stated in part, that one of her reasons for not voting for witnesses was to protect the integrity of Chief Roberts and the institution of U. S. Supreme Court, from being unfairly politicized and attacked as illegitimate for not doing Warren and the Democrats’ bidding. Murkowski’s historic letter stated in part;
“It has also become clear some of my colleagues intend to further politicize this process, and drag the Supreme Court into the fray, while attacking the Chief Justice. I will not stand for nor support that effort. We have already degraded this institution for partisan political benefit, and I will not enable those who wish to pull down another. "We are sadly at a low point of division in this country."

The Democrats’ impeachment monster was stopped dead in its tracks

With Murkowski’s public opposition to witnesses, the Democrats’ impeachment efforts collapsed. The Democrats’ impeachment monster was stopped dead in its tracks. The foolish female senator from Massachusetts had inflicted a fatal wound on the Democrats’ impeachment monster. A monster that liberal anti-Trump hatred had created since the date of President Trump’s inauguration.

Mitch Wolfe -- Bio and Archives

Mitch Wolfe, a graduate of Harvard University, is the author of “Trump: How He Captured The Trump White House”, which he wrote and had published prior to the election. (available on Amazon.com)