
UGANDA: Pastor Dies After Meal is Poisoned • ALGERIA: Second Church Ordered to Close • NEPAL: Christians Freed After False Accusations

Voice of the Martyrs --June 24, 2016

UGANDA: Pastor Dies After Meal is Poisoned Source: Morning Star News Pastor Micah Byamukama of Kasecha village in eastern Uganda died after eating a meal laced with insecticide, and local authorities suspect that the person responsible for his death has fled the community. On Sunday, May 15th, the 61-year-old pastor began to feel stomach pain after eating food brought by a man he believed was genuinely seeking to reconcile with him. The pastor was rushed to Kabweri Health Centre where he died at 9 p.m. A nurse who requested anonymity confirmed that the pastor had ingested an organophosphate insecticide.
Five days earlier, Pastor Micah, who was a widower without children, had sustained injuries from a knife attack carried out by a group of men. He survived the attack because neighbours responded to his cries for help. These neighbours believe that the person responsible for instigating the first attack is the same one who poisoned the pastor. The perpetrator is described as a local Muslim man who was angered by comments the pastor had made during a public discussion about faith. At least six Christians in eastern Uganda have been killed or brutally attacked by militants already this year; others have received death threats.

ALGERIA: Second Church Ordered to Close

Source: Middle East Concern A church in Algeria has been ordered to close because district authorities claim its leaders are in breach of a 2006 law that regulates non-Muslim worship. It is the second time within the past two months that a church has been ordered to close. Leaders of the church received a letter on April 24th citing that the use of a non-Muslim place of worship is subject to prior authorization by the National Commission for Non-Muslim Religious Groups. The letter also claims the church lease is not valid because the building, rented on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria, is registered as residential premises. One month before receiving the letter, church leaders had informed local authorities that they intended to use this rented building as a place of worship. These leaders state that the order for the church's forceful closure limits their 'freedom of worship' which is guaranteed in the Algerian constitution. In addition, they are concerned that the 2006 decree restricts the religious freedom of non-Muslims and contradicts Algeria's new constitution, as well as its commitments to religious freedom under international law. More information about this country is available here.
NEPAL: Christians Freed After False Accusations Sources: The Gospel Truth newspaper, Nepalchurch.com Eight Christians, including two school principals, have been released from custody after being held for several days on accusations of distributing Bible literature to children. Police made the arrests on June 9th based on a 2015 amendment to the Nepalese constitution which states in part that no one shall "convert a person of one religion to another religion." Among those arrested were Prakash Pradhan, the principal of Mount Valley boarding school, and Bimal Shahi, the principal of Modern Nepal School. Others were members of Teach Nepal, a Christian organization. At the time of the arrests, the educators had completed an earthquake awareness program in various schools. After an appeal was presented to Shakti Bahadur Basnet, the Minister for Home Affairs, by the Federation of National Christian Nepal, those who had been arrested were thankfully released. Additional reports can be found here. The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of: The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, P.O. Box 608, Streetsville, Ontario, L5M 2C1 Tel. 905-670-9721 Website: www.vomcanada.com

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The Voice of the Martyrs continues the legacy of Pastor Wurmbrand in raising a voice for persecuted Christians around the world. It is sometimes hard for Christians in Canada to understand that persecuted Christians do not want us to send all of our funds directly overseas! They urge us to publicize their plight, to tell their stories, to urge governments to intervene on their behalf and to share their prayer requests with Christians in Canada. One of our core values as a mission is to serve the persecuted Church according to its wishes and needs, and not according to our own predetermined strategies.