
Meanwhile, it’s high time to pull the rug from under Obama’s blatantly phony role as Obama, Self-Professed Defender of the Ukraine

Vlad and Barry Comrades in Arms

Vlad and Barry Comrades in Arms
Russia’s 2014 return to the Soviet Union-inspired Communist takeover of neighbouring nations would only be a Vladimir Putin pipe dream were it not for sneaky Comrade Barack Obama, who’s Putin’s largely hidden but chief enabler.
The role Obama cast for himself as bastion of freedom for Ukraine is 100 percent play acting promoted in the propaganda of mainstream media headlines. Comrade Obama’s Ukraine poker hand is all bluff, one enabled in Brussels by the naivety of Prime Ministers David Cameron and Stephen Harper. The responsibility of western leaders is not selfies and photo ops while talking the ‘big talk’ but using the full weight of their elected office to ensure Free World security. Fact is while Obama was playing “nukes on the loose” in The Hague last week, Putin has had nothing to fear from America for the past four years. “The fact that the President and Russia are about to sign the START Treaty is a good sign that we’re making cooperation and good progress with countries such as Russia,” a gloating Valerie Jarrett told ABC’s This Week on March 28, 2010. “Just a few weeks later, Obama has made--perhaps with Jarrett’s influence--a sharp departure on nuclear policy. Under the new plan, the United States promises not to use nuclear weapons against nations that do not have them--even if they attack the United States first. (Front Page Mag)
“According to the Center for Defense Studies, “our nuclear arsenal today is smaller than at any time since the Eisenhower Administration.” With the once mighty US openly and voluntarily not willing to defend itself from all predators, it is highly unlikely that Putin was shivering in his riding boots when Obama was basking in the publicity of his G7 played-out nuclear war games. Chills ran down spines when Obama promised Russian outgoing President Dmitry Medvedev over an open mic, “after my election I’ll have more flexibility” in 2012. A secret operation exposed last week by members of Congress discovered in the routine process of reviewing the Fiscal Year 2014 budget and the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 one proves that Obama wasn’t kidding. For all of his in-front-of-camera bluster on saving Ukraine, the US government is giving Russia free military equipment--the same kind used to train American troops--even after President Obama announced punitive sanctions against Moscow--and more importantly, a suspension in military engagement over the invasion and occupation of Ukraine. (Judicial Watch, March 26, 2014)
“It turns out that the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has been providing the Russian Federation with the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES), the federal legislators say. The U.S. military uses MILES for tactical force-on-force training because it has a system of lasers and dummy ammunition to simulate ground combat. ““The Obama administration’s planned supply to the Russian Federation is a grave mistake given the recent invasion of Ukraine launched by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, the legislators point out. “It is difficult to imagine a worse time to provide military-grade technology employed by the U.S. Marine Corps, Army, and Special Operations Forces to Russia than when it has illegally invaded Ukraine and is violating the intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty,” the letter to Moniz says. “To make matters worse, it is our understanding from the budget documents that the Department has been, and continues to propose, providing this technology to Russia free-of-charge.” “This is preposterous and borders on criminal if you really think about it. As if we need reminding, Congressman Turner recants Putin’s “brazen disregard for the sovereignty and stability of Eastern Europe” as well as his disregard for international law. “Despite this overwhelming evidence that Putin is not our ally, it is astonishing that the Obama Administration would still provide superior, U.S. military technology to an aggressive and advancing Russia,” Turner said. “The United States must seriously redirect its approach and immediately terminate all military aid to Russia.”
The light is starting to find the truth among members of the Ukrainian-American community
“NEW HAVEN -- Members of the Ukrainian-American community Sunday questioned the Pentagon's logic in financing Russia's building of helicopters for Afghanistan with U.S. tax dollars. "The whole $550 million deal needs to be shut down," said Carl Harvey, a retired U.S. Navy commander who lives in Orange. "Sikorsky (Aircraft) is laying off people and we are financing Russia's incursion into Ukraine. It doesn't make sense." "It's horrific," added Zenon Melnyk, of Avon, speaking as a Ukrainian-American and not as an employee of United Technologies Corp., the parent company of Stratford-based Sikorsky. "Just drop it." "It's inconceivable," said Myron Melnyk, of New Haven, no relation to Zenon. "I don't know how this came to pass." “The trio was among nearly 100 Ukrainian-Americans who addressed their concerns to U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal during a meeting at St. Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church on George Street. The meeting focused on Russia's incursion into Ukraine. “Blumenthal, who has been opposed to the U.S. honoring the $550 million remaining on the contract with Russia's Rosoboronexport to build the Russian M-17 helicopters for Afghanistan, vowed to use the U.S. Senate floor this week to bring attention to the deal. “Blumenthal also said he will raise the issue with colleagues in Senate discussions as chairman of the AirLand subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee. He said the subcommittee has scheduled hearings over the next two weeks on various defense-related issues. “Locally, a panel discussion is scheduled at Southern Connecticut State University on Monday at noon to discuss the continuing crisis in Ukraine. “On Wednesday, Valery Kuchinsky, the former Ukrainian ambassador to the United Nations, will be the keynote speaker during a panel discussion on the crisis at Yale University. The discussion will begin at 2:45 p.m. in the Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Building, Room 114, 1 Prospect St. “Blumenthal said it should not be "business as usual with Russia," especially as it relates to awarding helicopter contracts. Sikorsky Aircraft was founded by Igor Sikorsky, who was born in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. "That (contract) money is buying Russian aggression in Ukraine," he said. "Those troops massing along the borders are being financed by money we are sending the Russians through the helicopter trade. "Believe me, there are better helicopters available for the Afghan government made right here in Connecticut at Sikorsky, and that's where the helicopters should come from," Blumenthal said, eliciting a loud round of applause. “On Friday, Rear Adm. John Kirby, a U.S. Defense Department spokesman, said the Pentagon will respond to those concerns "through proper channels." “But Blumenthal said if the Pentagon doesn't do the right thing, Congress could take action of its own. "Talking and making speeches are fine, but continuing our arms trade with Russia undercuts our credibility in Ukraine," Blumenthal said.
And that’s not even to mention the $424-million that the Obama administration is paying Russia to launch American astronauts into space after its retirement of the American space shuttle. (Canada Free Press, March 20, 2014)
Meanwhile, it’s high time to pull the rug from under Obama’s blatantly phony role as Obama, Self-Professed Defender of the Ukraine. This is a ‘Ukraine defender’ standing on clay feet, the feet of Communist sympathizer Valerie Jarrett.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.