
Virginia is well on its way to being Californicated

Virginia to be Californicated

Virginia to be CalifornicatedWhat happened in Virginia? First and foremost, Federal Judges chose a redistricting map that heavily favored Democrats. Six Republicans ended up in districts where Obama won in the 2012 election. An analysis was performed by a nonpartisan Virginia Public Access Project showing the plan could shift six Republican held districts to Democrats. And they did.

What does this mean to the state of Virginia?

What does this mean to the state of Virginia? Infanticide will now become law in the state of Virginia. This past year, we saw the Repeal Act introduced in the Virginia House of Delgates by Kathy Tran, (D) who admitted it would allow abortion even at the very end of pregnancy when a woman was going into labor. It would eliminate informed-consent and clinic safety requirements allowing abortions to be performed in outpatient clinics and it would remove pro-life initiatives such as ultrasound and 24-hour waiting periods. Governor Northam agreed with Ms. Tran's bill, making a public statement on a radio station interview. Democrats have also pledged they will enact legislation that will result in bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines as well as limiting the population to one handgun a month and seizing weapons from anyone they deem a danger. Could this mean seizing weapons from conservatives and Republicans. Democrats have held fast to the opinion that conservatives and Republicans are more dangerous than terrorists. Democrats also support the elimination of the Electoral College. Not only are they determined to impeach the president and nullify the voices of the people in the 2016 presidential election, they are determined to control future elections by ensuring that California and New York decide every national election from here on out. Over the past year, they have recruited several left leaning States and now with Virginia's takeover, we could all suffer the consequences of Democrats' sore loser stance and see our votes negated.

Failed policies of the liberal left. High taxes, open borders, tax dollars doled out to law breakers

Democrats have screamed from the rooftops that they support illegals over American citizens and have promised open borders, free education, healthcare and housing to be given to those who break our laws and enter our country without permission. Add insult to injury, taxpayers are footing the bill. Many colleges are already offering money to illegals to fund their college educations. How many US students are being turned away and replaced by those who came into our country illegally? Now, Virginia will be added to that list. These are only a few of the issues that Democrats will turn during their tenure in Virginia government. Without a check and balance system, the voters will no longer have a voice, but will have to acquiesce to the failed policies of the liberal left. High taxes, open borders, tax dollars doled out to law breakers, etc. Virginia is well on its way to being Californicated

Leigh Bravo -- Bio and Archives

Leigh Bravo works in the Hospitality and Marketing Industry.  Leigh considers herself a concerned citizen interested in reaching those people who may not be aware of the entire truth. Leigh is happily married and a mother of three looking towards a better future for her kids. Leigh also writes for thetrumpet.me