
This is why he's president

VIDEO: Trump in Missouri on tax reform and, er . . . lots of other fun, Trumpy things

The main reason I want you to watch this is that you could pull any number of lines from it and make it sound like he said something outrageous and irresponsible. Yet if you watch the whole thing and catch the feel of it, you understand exactly what's going on: Most of what Trump says that gets portrayed as outrageous is nothing different from what you and I say in the privacy of our own homes. I know, I know, he's president and it's different because of the force of his words given the office and all that. We're used to the idea that presidents have to have a certain comportment because I guess we can't handle too much bluntness from the man who occupies that office. Or maybe we just thought that was true, and Trump is now making us uncomfortable by challenging us with the proposition that it isn't and never was. There are a lot of reasons he's president, but I think this is at the top of the list: What you see here is pretty much the real guy, warts and all, and you know it and he knows it, and yet there it is. Can you deal with it? Given the choice between this and the phony baloney, carefully rehearsed theater we're used to getting, most of you answered with a resounding yes.

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