
How dare you question them?

VIDEO: Q. Obama's ultimately responsible, right? Sebelius: 'Whatever'

Eighteen seconds that pretty much sum up the Obama presidency:

You know what this reminded me of? This:

You see the pattern. They can't believe they have to put up with these unworthy questions by these contemptible Republicans. Oh please! You want to know if the president is responsible? What . . . ever! You want to make a big issue out of our lies concerning Benghazi? What difference does it make?
Don't you understand how it works? They say whatever they have to say so they can do what they want to do, and if you point out that they lied, that they messed up, that they need to be held responsible . . . whatever! They have a country to change, and how dare these Republicans waste their time when it doesn't make any difference, since they're going to do what they want whether you like it or not, and they're not going to accept any responsibility when it becomes clear that a) they lied; and b) their actions have resulted in nothing but disaster. Whatever! What difference, at this point, does it make? How dare you question them? Then again, this was not always the case:

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