
Contrary to what Biden and his CDC director say, the vaccine is NOT 100% effective at preventing severe complications of fully vaccinated patients

Vaccine "misinformation"

Vaccine misinformationThere is much political debate about why so many Americans don't plan to get vaccinated for COVID-19. (I have received both Pfizer injections.) The Biden administration blames vaccine hesitancy on right-wing "misinformation," with misinformation defined as any information contrary to what Biden says.

Tucker Carlson documented the Covid misinformation Biden is spreading

Just weeks before the 2020 election, the New York Times ran an article with this headline: "Biden Seizing on Worries of a Rushed Vaccine, Warns Trump Can't Be Trusted." Kamala Harris and Andrew Cuomo also said the vaccine could not be trusted because Trump was the one who ordered its production. No wonder so many people aren't getting vaccinated. As for "misinformation," Biden and his CDC director both say the vaccines are highly effective against contracting Covid (true), and 100% effective at preventing serious complications for vaccinated people who come down with the disease (apparently untrue). Yesterday, a top UK medical official reported that 60% of hospitalizations in the country are Covid patients who have been fully vaccinated. (The 60% figure was revised downward to 40% later the same day.) Misinformation bottom line: Contrary to what Biden and his CDC director say, the vaccine is NOT 100% effective at preventing severe complications of fully vaccinated patients. On his prime-time FOX News show last night, Tucker Carlson documented the Covid misinformation Biden is spreading. Watch here:

John Eidson -- Bio and Archives

Since 2008, John has written nearly 900 freelance articles distributed (free of charge) exclusively via email to my large e-distribution list. John is a conservative political independent with an electrical engineering degree from Georgia Tech (1968).