
It is time for the ostrich nation to return to being the land of the American Bald Eagle, with the keen insight necessary to root out the hood rats in Washington D. C.!

Trust Your Instincts and Never Trust a Politician!

Doug Hagmann’s columns generate an interesting array of comments that span the spectrum, from belief to disbelief. Not surprisingly, some believers appear to have their doubts. All I can suggest is that people need to trust their instincts and never trust a politician.
Regarding politicians, most are rogue hood rats, but under our current situation, the term ‘hood rat’ falls well short of the title they deserve. They may not have gone to D. C. as hood rats, but there is an element of truth in that people become like those with whom they hang around. When a politician hangs around hood rats, one of three things happens; one, he/she realizes his/her ‘colleagues’ are hood rats and he/she looks for an exit … stage right; two, he/she attempts to live up to why he/she ran for office; three, he/she joins the hood rat club, abandoning decency, morals, ethics and principles. If he/she attempts to live up to the expectations of the voters who sent him/her to represent them, especially if he/she is a conservative, it is likely he/she will become compromised by the Commies atop his/her party, rendering him/her a politician without a party. Even most ‘good’ guys and gals within Congress betray the American citizen/taxpayer because they rarely alert the citizen/taxpayer of what really goes on inside Washington, D. C., the District of Corruption. What an outrage it is to have our nation’s capital, named after our first President, be the home of the worst traitors and terrorists inside of our government!
Back to a person’s instincts. It is easy to understand why people desire to have concrete proof of the attacks being made upon us and our republic from those atop our government, but how much more evidence does one need to believe these attacks are happening , and at an accelerated rate? How many times has Mr. Obama said that jobs were his number one issue? Ask yourself, ‘Is there even one action or piece of legislation that the Dictator-in-Chief and his mafia have rammed through upon a defenseless electorate with the intention of actually improving people’s quality of life and/or reducing the cost of living?’ When he said jobs are his number one concern, has he meant establishing an environment to create jobs, or an environment to destroy jobs? In early 2009, the state of Missouri unveiled a Domestic Terrorist Profile (DTP). Approximately one month later, Janet Napolitano unveiled a national DTP that parallels the state of Missouri’s DTP. The cattle pen boundaries for traditional patriots were erected with these profiles. By the way, have you heard of a Terrorist Profile for identifying radical Islamists? Is the TSA in place to protect the American public from terrorists, or to acclimate citizens to being subjected to inspection by government operatives? Any regime that is as deceitful and treacherous to initiate a program as traitorous as ‘Fast and Furious’ is dangerous and must be presumed guilty until it is proven that it is acting in the best interests of our country and its citizens, especially when it refuses to take responsibility for the death of an American citizen. Hasn’t the Dictator-in-Chief acted unlawfully on a number of occasions, including the abuse of bondholders of GM, demanding that existing law to be broken regarding illegal immigration enforcement and his involvement in Libya without Congressional approval? As bad as his actions have been, where has the GOP been during this illegal romp? Do those who have doubts about what Mr. Hagmann relates remember when Ford Motor Company was to run an ad touting the company’s success in spite of not accepting any bailout money from the Lying King? The CEO, Alan Mulally, was summoned to the White House. The ad never aired. Justice Roberts was just awarded the Benedict Arnold award for his treacherously traitorous ruling on ObamaCare. It is easy to understand why he was dishonored in this manner, but is there more to the story? Justice Roberts authored two thirds of the dissenting opinion, so why did he rule in favor of the most unconstitutional legislation ever passed by Congressional hood rats and signed into law by the most dangerous traitor to have breathed American air? In each case, could these individuals’ actions have been influenced by threats against them and/or their loved ones? Could either of them have ended up like Ambassador Stevens if they had not capitulated to the bully puppet and his puppeteers? There must be more happening behind the scenes than what anyone is supposed to know about; did you forget that the Lying King has employed czars to ‘fundamentally transform’ our country? Out of sight, out of mind, and with all of the front burner issues, including the fiscal cliff, gun control, ObamaCare, even Benghazi and ‘sustainability/U. N. Agenda 21’, this allows the miscreant czars to pursue their mischief uninterrupted. What does the EPA have in store for us for 2013 and beyond? Why did so many federal agencies purchase so many millions of rounds of ammunition within the last year? Because people fear accusations of being an extremist, the Communist extremists have free rein to destroy our society and republic. We are a nation comprised of gutless ostriches, hoping against hope that the traitorous hood rats will get religion and begin acting as patriots and representatives of the American citizen/taxpayer. How stupid is that? People need to trust their instincts and be ready for whatever occurs as we head into the New Year. 2013 will be an opportunity for us to grow in faith of our Creator. While I prefer being optimistic about life and our future, my instincts say that 2013 won’t be a very happy year, unless you are a traitorous, Communist infiltrator and/or terrorist inside our federal government. It is time for the ostrich nation to return to being the land of the American Bald Eagle, with the keen insight necessary to root out the hood rats in Washington D. C.!

A.J. Cameron -- Bio and Archives

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.