
Game. Set. Match

Trump tweets 13 video clips of McCain promising to repeal and replace ObamaCare

Just devastating, but that assumes McCain cares that he's exposed as a total fraud. I don't think he does, and I don't think his media fans do either. A Beltway-friendly Republican is their best friend and the last thing they're going to do is call him out for partisan apostasy when he's doing their work for them:
Two things strike me here: First, especially in the first couple of clips, watch his body language and his facial expressions. McCain has to be one of the most insincere people I've ever seen, and it's obvious if you're paying attention that his words are not a match for his nonverbals. McCain says things to check boxes during campaigns. He doesn't mean any of it. Second, even in these clips McCain seems obsessed with process, and he seems more concerned with the fact that it passed with no Republican votes than with the fact that it's been a complete disaster in practice. Screw the country all you want, but don't defy Senate traditions! John McCain won't stand for it. I suppose it's not earth-shattering to demonstrate that a politician is insincere and dishonest, but the gall of this one is really something, especially when you consider how he's held up by the political class as some sort of bastion of principle. Behold the man who's saved ObamaCare not once but twice. And this is the guy the Republican Party nominated for president a mere nine years ago. You want to know what's darkening the soul of the GOP, you might want to start there.

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