
Trump’s Failure to Use Twitter Enough to His Advantage, Simply to Provide Perspective

Trump Transgender Ban for Military Actually RESTORES Policies of Liberals, Including Obama

The biggest failure of the Trump Administration continues to be its failure to present its own policies in perspective. President Trump is being pilloried in the press for his ban on transgenders in the military, just as all conservatives continue to be pilloried in the press for opposing same-sex marriage. Trump should have and should rather present his ban NOT as a new draconian measure instituted by a raging rogue or lunatic but rather as RESTORING the ban that existed from time immemorial, under liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, through the first 7½ years of the Obama Administration, through June 30, 2016, including both years in which Obama and the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.
Liberals point excitedly to the fact that 18 other countries allow transgenders to serve in the military (to the extent they have militaries). But considering that there are 195 or 196 countries all together, fewer than 10% of the countries in the world allow transgenders in their militaries, even now. Similarly, the ban on same-sex marriages existed from time immemorial , under liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, until the United States Supreme Court decided, on June 26, 2015, to usurp the powers of the people and the legislatures and the church and the dictionary to declare same-sex marriages real, let alone legal. It should be noted that the “progressive” movement basically derives most of its values from liberals, where Jews have been in the forefront, from Karl Marx to Leon Trotsky to Betty Friedan to Bernie Sanders, but these values are derived directly from the Bible – caring for the poor, the sick, the stranger, the widow, and the orphan (though charity in the Bible is to come from individuals as tithes, not imposed by the government or unelected governmental bureaucrats, and it may also be noted that the strangers referred to in the Bible, to be protected, did not necessarily include avowed terrorists and/or their supporters). Mainstream Jews, of course, temper their progressive instincts with the overall Biblical encouragement of moderation.
The Bible from time immemorial defined marriage as between a man and a woman and defined homosexual activities as abominations, so the people who believe homosexuals are entitled to all rights as partners but are still not entitled to call themselves spouses are in a way even more liberal than the Bible. The Bible was not focused on transgender issues as are the liberal press and politicians, but the Bible does forbid a man from wearing a woman’s garment (Deuteronomy 22:5) and the prohibition has been extended to women as well, by the leading codifiers of Jewish law, generally conscious of and promoting equal rights for women, if not equal obligations (Code of Jewish Law, Shulchan Arukh YD 182:5). The rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do not necessarily include a dubious right to serve in combat positions in the army.

Ron A. Y. Rich -- Bio and Archives

Mr. Rich is a self-described liberal with common sense and an open mind.