
Media embarrasses itself again.

Trump rips 'sleaze' media as he reads list of veterans charities that received $5.6 Million in donations

For a while now, Donald Trump's claim that he raised $6 Million for U.S. Veteran charities has been the subject of rancor among liberals and #NeverTrumpers alike. They demanded to see the list of organizations that received checks, often openly claiming that it never happened. So, today, Trump hosted a press conference where he ripped what he called the "sleaze media" and rattled off a list of outfits that had received donations. He claims that the money has been paid out to now-vetted outfits which were chosen based the work they do and the percentage per donated dollar that went to their cause. The media, he said, is free to track the checks. It should be easy, since he says they're "all certified checks, if anyone wants to see the certified checks."
"These are checks that have been delivered, that have been cashed, that are now being used to help the vets." Here's the full presser: "The number is $5.6 Million, and it's going to possibly go above that because I believe some other people are coming in." Boom. Here's the rundown: Now, we're sure the mainstream media is currently whipping itself into a frenzy as it tries to find a way - no matter how dubious - to discredit the Trump's list. However, we're also willing to bet that Trump's campaign wouldn't be making such a big deal out of this if it wasn't rock solid. In other words, this is shaping up to be a big embarrassment for the MSM and #NeverTrumpers who were so, so, sure that Trump was pulling a fast one.

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