
Bloor St. Boxing Club, Toronto Sun Sunshine Girl

Tribute to my Friend Allison Stachyra-RIP

Polesworld.com A couple of weeks ago I met a young lady at the Bloor St. Boxing Club. For those of you who don’t know, along with being an author, I’m also a boxing promoter and broadcaster and am the President of Championship Boxing Inc. Along with my friends Paul Ryan, Richard Souce and John Melich we are starting a new Boxing series called The Toronto Boxing Championships on the Rogers Network. Well this young lady’s name is Ally and man when she walked through the door she took everyone’s collective breath away. She was brought in to meet me so I could arrange to put her in the Toronto Sun as a Sunshine Girl to help promote our event. Within 5 minutes I knew that firstly this was a young woman of not only great beauty but the possessor of a great heart and humor. A young woman of quality!!
We spoke of her life and career as a model and as I was signing my latest book to her she mentioned that she was impressed that I was an author of books and that she could never imagine doing that. I then proceeded to tell her something that I learned in the short 20 minutes since we became friends. She could and had the ability to do and become anything in this world she wanted. Allison oozed of talent and potential. I told her that as appealing as modeling looks at the moment she should look at broadcasting and journalism as a career. What a natural she would have made in front of the camera as a media personality. On Friday we met at the Sun where my buddy the “Photo Phenom” Jack Boland would shoot the Sunshine Girl photos. It was then that she and I would pose together for a series of pictures and all I can say is to state that Allison was fun was a great understatement. Her raucous laugh was infectious and we had an absolute riot, laughing like little kids. Her laugh will stay with me forever! She was so excited about being a ring girl and I promised her that I would give her some great plugs on the telecast. It was the least I could do. We exchanged hugs and kisses as I had to leave for my next appointment. Little did I know that it would be the last time I would see this beautiful angel again. Allison was killed this past Monday in a car accident here in Toronto not 5 minutes where I live. I sit here stunned and dumbfounded how this 22 year young lady (in my opinion, a child still) can be taken away from us so suddenly and without cause.
I’m thinking of this girl who told me on how much she loved children would tragically never have the opportunity of bearing her own, the very sin that her loving parents would never have a chance to wrap their arms around their baby or the grandchildren that they could expect from their daughter. It makes you wonder and contemplate our own lives and spirituality and the very reasoning on how God could allow such a thing to happen. I miss her greatly and will always treasure her and be thankful for the brief time we were friends here in our mortal lives. Please God, protect her and know that to all who knew her Allison was already an angel. Life is so precious; to all of you never waste an instant of it. Ally, you affected every person you came in contact with. We will all miss you greatly. You made your mark on so many people in such a short life. I will miss you.

Edward Zawadzki -- Bio and Archives

It is with a heavy heart that I write tonight that sportscaster, ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki is gone.  Eddie’s sister, Christine called to tell Canada Free Press (CFP) that Eddie died this morning of a massive heart attack, age 55.

Death of sportscaster ‘King of Fight’ Eddie Zawadzki