
Presidential Election 2016: Billionaire Trump became the champion of the blue collar population of the heartland.

Time to move on...

The confetti has been swept from the floors. The released balloons have long since drifted away. The placards are down and the speeches are finished. Now the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election has begun. The thugs are rioting in the streets of several major cities, though we have learned that many of these misguided people did not vote, nor did they possess any significant information about the candidates who are at the center of their protests. Rumor has it that they may have been paid to create chaos.
During the campaign, President elect, Donald J. Trump had been unmercifully vilified. He had been labeled as a clown, ignorant, unqualified, a racist, misogynist, unfit along with a string of other adjectives and expletives. But none have been proven to be true! They were only the emotionally charged rhetoric of disenchanted prospective voters and some members of the media. That part of the campaign was somewhat humorist because, ironically, most of the name callers couldn't carry Trump's briefcase, so to speak. They are not in the same "league" nor experienced any of the success similar to that of Mr. Trump. And, they are not equipped to judge what qualities are needed to be a world leader. The losers disenchantment is purely histrionics. The Trump organization employees 34,000 people according to CNNMONEY and approximately 43% are equally paid females, many being top executives. With a multiple factor of just two, that is approximately 68,000 people who are living on some income from the Trump organization. He has more experience at managing a large organization and successfully negotiating "deals" than either Obama or Hillary, going into the presidency. This is private enterprise, not at the public "trough". His organization actually paid employees from company earnings, not from taxpayer funded government positions. He understands P & L statements and budgetary requirements. So why did Trump win the election? Because he connected with the heartland voters in spite of his disconnect with the old line establishment of the republican party. Trump won in every state once defined as the southern democrat domain. He won many of the so-called "rust belt" states previously the domain of the democrat controlled highly unionized citizens.
The irony is that billionaire Trump became the champion of the blue collar population of the heartland. Trump is a fresh new face who represented the disenfranchised citizens who agreed with what he represented. They want their constitutional rights protected, they want the economy to be vibrant, they want decent jobs, they want the borders of our nation secure, they want protection against terrorists, they want a totally secure nation and a strong military force, and they want to feel that their voices are heard. Messrs Trump and Pence heard their voices and promised positive action. Trump received a higher percentage of votes from females and minorities than some past republican candidates. He did not rely on sycophants to carry him to the top of the electoral college ladder. Trump became the president elect of the people beginning with the "primary" of 17 candidates. Winners keep their eye on the target and are not distracted. He did and won! There were approximately 134 million votes cast but because of the third party voting, neither Clinton nor Trump received fifty percent or more of the total votes. Seemingly, Clinton received slightly more popular votes of the 58% of eligible voters who went to the Polling sites. So after all of the sadness and injured egos of the Clinton fans, the rioting and looting by the, seemingly, left leaning members of the Democrat party and the attempts to change the results through some divine providence, it is time to move on, just as was done after the unlikely elections of President Obama.

We remain a constitutional governed republic facing huge challenges on the domestic and foreign fronts. It is time for all Americans to get behind the new administration and congress for a better Nation, for all the world to see. We should all remember the lyrics of the the Lee Greenwood song "God Bless the USA". The first stanza is "...I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me..." Since WWI, approximately 626,000 U.S. military personnel have lost their lives defending our freedom granted by the Constitution and its amendments. The United States of America is a great nation and shall remain so as we go forth in this 21st century. Let’s all be a part of the success of this exceptionally free nation.

Don Severe -- Bio and Archives

Donald E. Severe is a retired CEO/President of an Employee Benefit Plan marketing company and an NASD Brokerage Firm.  He was a USAF pilot in the Air Defense Command during the “Cold War” following the end of the war in Korea.  He holds an undergraduate degree and an advance degree in financial services.  He has been recognized in Who’s Who in Business & Industry.