
Beheaded and Shot

Thousands Cheer as Pakistani Militants Decapitate, Shoot Afghans Accused of Spying for U.S.

FoxNews ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A gang of Pakistani militants executed two alleged U.S. spies in front of thousands of cheering supporters Friday as a top U.N. official expressed fears that Pakistani government peace deals with the gunmen were sparking a wave of human rights abuses.
At least 5,000 people gathered by a stream in the Bajur region to watch the executions, which highlighted the power of local Taliban forces in the lawless tribal areas near the Afghan border. Masked militants pulled the two blindfolded Afghans from a car and forced them to kneel on the ground. Waliur Rehman, a local Taliban commander, told the crowd that the two men confessed to aiding in a suspected U.S. missile strike on a house in the border town of Damadola that killed 14 people last month. The men disclosed the names of others involved, and they would be killed as well, he said. "Whoever, for the sake of money, for the sake of America, harms the interest of the Islamic world will meet the same fate," he said. More...

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