
President Trump got one thing right - “IT WILL BE WILD…”

This Is My Educated Opinion As Others Are Giving Trump Supporters Inappropriate Advice...

This Is My Educated Opinion As Others Are Giving Trump Supporters Inappropriate Advice...The great dilemma is: On one hand we want as many President Trump supporters to attend the It-Will-Be-Wild-Rally on Wednesday, January 6th, as safely as possible; but on the other, we would like to advise you and/or your friends about the reality of the potentially dangerous environment you/they will unwittingly be walking into. I cannot say this enough times but, the fact of the matter is--we are at war! One writer advised (with my bulleted response) “Be prepared to stay longer than 5 p.m. These events almost always go longer than planned. The speakers will have important things to say. You will want to hear them.”
• My thoughts: This is such wrongheaded advice. I’m warning people not to stay in DC as it gets dark, with plans to be on the outbound highway before 4:00 p.m. It matters not if any final decision inside the Capitol Chambers has been made at that time. Most of you will have attended for the excitement of being part of it and to show support for President Trump. As darkness comes the scale-of-safety-to-danger escalates rapidly towards--danger!
“I have seldom seen serious violence at similar events.”
This writer has NEVER been to an event/rally like this before. No one has! As Andrew Breitbart once warned, F’ YOU! -- WAR!
“I do not expect any violence, with President Trump as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. However, the DC local government is firmly in the hands of Deep-State types.”
Here this writer actually contradicts himself, but knowing that the DC cops (in and out of uniform) are NOT your friend is nonetheless helpful. And, yes there will also be US Military in/out of uniform, but they will surely be outnumbered by the mob and given strict orders on the rules of engagement. The bad guys will have no such rules. Harm may come to the innocent--quickly. (See below...)
As I have recently mentioned, President Trump would not have told all his supporters to come to DC, if he didn’t have a winning Trump Card to play. Believe me, he knows and is planning on winning one-way-or-the-other. So, yes that may be the very good news. But...


Again, we are at WAR! and you may well be heading into the frontlines of the first major battle between the good guys and the bad guys. Unfortunately, the leaders of the bad guys are organized and may have a plan to create as much mayhem as possible. Trump supporters on the other hand, come in small groups (in a bus or car), are totally unorganized and unprepared, with little to no plans for their own safety. True, cops and military will be there in great numbers, but mob violence is extremely difficult to control, especially with such a mix of good guys and bad actors. Please keep in mind that teargas does not distinguish the difference. Think about their Color Revolution in which they were told that the only way Trump wins is if he steals the election, and that he may need to be “forcibly” removed from the White House. And, their Transition Integrity Project (TIP) which basically agrees, meaning they might immediately attempt to remove Trump from office (as Nancy Pelosi has recently suggested). Such an action could easily turn into an armed conflict, where people will undoubtedly be injured. Then throw in the news media who have parroted the same message since November 3rd of how Biden won, in the most honest and secure election America has ever had. And, unfortunately, that is what many of our fellow Americans believe to be true. For the sake of our discussion, let’s use a realistic number of 500,000 people in attendance at the Trump-Wild-Rally. Common sense tells us that there could be somewhere between 5-10% (which might go as high as 15%) of agitators in attendance such as BLM, Antifa, or other paid subversive groups. And, lest we forget the thousands of hard-core-radical-and-angry-citizens who believe that Trump stole the election from Biden, which could mean upwards of 50-75,000 bad actors mixed into this 500,000 Wild Patriot’s Rally. One of the many likely outcomes is that congress is forced to deny the electoral slates of the six swing states, and President Trump is determined to be the winner. So, we now have 50,000 or more, many paid, staged and ready-bad-actors-thrown-into-this-montage-of-celebrating-Patriots, with their orders (along with the other radicals who will join in) to do as much physical damage to as many good guys as they can. This is not a far-fetched theory. We are at war!

When not if, President Trump is declared the winner

A tactic that the bad actors may use in order to trigger a violent reaction from innocent Trump supporters, would be to have strategically-placed-fake-supporters wearing Trump paraphernalia begin a fight, and to then counter attack those coming to help the agitators. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail, but plan to only assist others around you that you know. IF YOU MUST GO, DO NOT STAY IN A DC HOTEL OVERNIGHT. CANCEL YOUR BOOKING. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU MAKE PLANS TO BE IN YOUR CAR/BUS HEADING HOMEBOUND, OUT OF DC BY 4:00PM, AS IT BEGINS TO GET DARK. When not if, President Trump is declared the winner, it may be similar to the final stages of an exorcism where the demonic Democrats and deep state, with nothing left to lose, may go scorched earth, with burning and pillaging in all parts of Washington, DC and the surrounding area. Our prayers go out for the safety of all President Trump supporters who understand the potential danger, but still believe they must be there. All return home safely. Godspeed!

Fredy Lowe -- Bio and Archives

Fredy Lowe served proudly in the United States Marine Corps and the New York City Police Department (NYPD). He has been a citizen journalist for over twelve (12) years writing for Canada Free Press, Before It’s News, Conservative News & Views, Ammoland, The Post & Mail, and others.

He and his wife Pat, now of 53 years, are the proud parents of two grown children and six grandchildren. Fredy prays daily for the safety of our Armed Forces, for our Police Officers, but especially now for our country during this extremely volatile period of time in our nation’s history, and wants you to know that Jesus is Real! And, that your prayers to Him can make all the difference in the world. Thank you.