
Obama is, advocating once again the fall of Democracy as Americans know it, in favor of Secular-Socialism

These are the times that try men’s souls!

Obama has spent the past week touring India, Indonesia, and beyond, in what promised (threatened) to be one of the most expensive tax-payer funded excursions yet embarked upon by the “King” of America. The mid-terms “shellacked” number 44 and his party, with the voice of the People clearly shouting from the pews that we had endured enough of the force feeding.
Our bellies very near the bursting points ~ suffering like the proverbial Christmas goose on a diet of Obamacare, staggering unemployment and runaway spending ~ the levers were pulled and the ovals clearly inked in for Conservatism up one side of the House and down the other. Very nearly sweeping the Senate as well, the resulting summation from the most narcissistic Oval Office visitor to ever take seat amongst us ~ as we interviewed him for an apology ~ would be, ‘This trip abroad will do me some good.’ As Americans grappled with the staggering potential cost of the latest Obama-cation, it would not be this country’s media that would expose the true costs that we the citizenry should have been eye-balling. Yes, the estimated $200 million per day printed and floated by the Obama’s was shameful. But it pales by comparison to the very nearly literal gut punch Obama once again leveled this nation’s most honored. In a week that veterans are rightly honored ~ just as is marked with D-Day, Memorial Day, The Fourth and other fantastically patriotic days ~ Obama took time out to offer a speech marking not THIS country’s veterans, but instead a sermon offering condolences for America’s shortcomings. Obama, in a speech which opened with one of his infamous secular-socialist tongue twisters, promoted to the world a rarely heard platform of high praise for the governments of India and Indonesia. Particularly disturbing ~ considering that nation’s Constitutional Amendment in 1976 to include the phrase “Secular-Socialist-Republic” (among other vernacular) to its constitution ~ was Obama’s seeming call to the world (and America) to embrace India’s “achievements in democracy”. Analyzing Obama’s speech ~ knowing his propensity towards Marxism from his studies at Occidental, as well as his steadfast intentions to institute Socialism here in America as taken from many interviews and as evidenced by myriad ruinous policy measures recently implemented ~ we see from a line by line analysis that Obama is indeed advocating (again) the fall of Democracy in America as we now understand it. Obama opens with “…We sometimes hear that democracy stands in the way of economic progress…” This is a reference to Obama’s own philosophy, easily substantiated by radio interviews in 2001; this is also a cornerstone of Marxism … And he quickly follows that with, “This is not a new argument…”; this is again Obama referring to Karl Marx’ rhetoric and teachings. Now the listener must tune in closely, with an ear for Socialist studies and the Marx doctrine, when Obama preaches, “…in times of change and economic uncertainty, some will say that it is easier to take a shortcut to development by trading away the rights of human beings for the power of the state….” This is a classic reference by Obama to Marx’ theory of the proletariat society as well as the struggle that Obama continues to believe must take place before the installation of Socialism will be realized in the U.S. … Finally, Obama reveals to us what his ‘time needed away’ has revealed to him, “But that is not what I saw on my trip to India… Your achievements demonstrate that democracy and development reinforce one another….” This is the most dangerous of Obama’s recent “observations”. India is NOT a Democracy as Americans understand that term. India’s government and constitution may hold aspects of democracy, but studies of the nation and an understanding of international law and government reveal India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. Obama is, therefore, advocating (once again) the fall of Democracy as Americans know it, in favor of Secular-Socialism. This trip by Obama landed him on soil foreign to the vast majority of “We the People”. Yet Indonesia, as the vast majority of us know, is where Obama spent formative years as a child. On Veteran’s day, OUR Veteran’s Day, Obama offered these words to the world: “When my stepfather was a boy, he watched his own father and older brother leave home to fight and die in the struggle for Indonesian independence.” Obama honored the “heroes”, in Indonesia, by slighting Americans; once more telling the U.S. and the world that America must ‘stop mistrusting Islam’. All the while, in the same week, during the same time period, ‘The Islamic State of Iraq’ claimed responsibility for the bombings that resulted in nearly three dozen injuries and multiple deaths of Christians in Baghdad. Indeed the Millions spent by the Obamas were a travesty, but the true cost to America is the fact that the Obamas are returning for two more years of even further travesty as leaders of this nation.

Christopher Massie -- Bio and Archives

Christopher Massie, BS, CS, Founder & Patriot of Drain The Swamp 2010,
Critical Reading for the Conservative American