
Once upon a time, the White House Press Corps held presidents to account

The White House Press Corps: zero questions for the Zero on ZeroCare

For anyone who missed Zippy Botingles’… excuse me, the president’s – press conference yesterday morning, it can be summarized in one word: BULL. It’s not worth wasting space to summarize it, save to say that he piled lie on top of lie as if he were speaking to people incapable of questioning his audacity.
But wait — he was speaking directly to the WHITE HOUSE PRESS CORPS, in a week which saw the ObamaCare roll-out enroll zero people in a number of states – the disaster exemplifying bureaucracy to a tee – asked NO questions about ObamaCare, the non-functioning exchanges, or the reason behind the government shut-down in the first place: the Cruz-inspired effort to DEFUND ObamaCare!! No, the White House Press Corps apparently missed the memo. Watching them, listening to them, was like watching and listening to mesmerized cultists in utter awe of their metaphysical master. Sample questions:
  1. Mr. President, why are you so awesome and why do you smell so good?
  2. Mr. President, would it be possible for you to sign a picture for my daughter, so she can bring it to her school for show-and-tell?
  3. Mr. President, are your feet as pretty as your hands? … You have beautiful hands, something I don’t think people fully appreciate.
  4. Mr. President, now that the ObamaCare exchanges are up and running PERFECTLY, are you impressed that over 100 million Americans have signed up and are LOVING this super efficient and well-run program?
  5. Mr. President, why do you think Republicans hate children, seniors, blacks, Latinos, the middle-class and the poor?
  6. Mr. President, THANK YOU for taking my question — I don’t have one, but I just wanted to THANK YOU for speaking to me.
HA-HA-HA…. I made those up, sorta. Substantively, they might as well have asked those questions. Once upon a time, the White House Press Corps held presidents to account; but that was before pant-creases trumped policy, hope mangled honesty, and the water in the press-room was spiked with Kool-aid whose magical qualities have neutering effects.

Greg Halvorson -- Bio and Archives

Greg Halvorson is an island of conservative clarity in the liberal armpit of Portlandia, Oregon.  He regularly drives liberals berserk at The Conservative Hammer Facebook page.  His Twitter handle is @GHalv.