
The Portrait of Dorian Gray: A Picture of soul, sin and debauchery

The White house, Oscar Wilde and Congress

Only in a literary fashion the story, “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” tells the tale of Basil an artist, and a young man Dorian, as his subject. This is not about the “Portrait” as much as it is about the phenomenal way of life we in the United States of America have built into the 234th year of our existence, and what politicians are now trying to alter. It is an attempt in drawing a parallel between the writers’ fictional novel and realities today.
In this parallel a need for characters credits exists. Plot Theorists-Karl Marx/Saul Alinsky (in abstention) Dorian Gray major role-Barack Obama + supporting actors/secretaries and czars: Basil Hallward-Congress-House/Senate grafters and grafted Dorian Gray’s Portrait-U.S. population Lord Henry Wotten-U.N. as One World Order Directors and Judges of Plot Seeing the portrait, Basil Hallward, the artist is so pleased, due to the beauty of Dorian Gray, (Basil likes him) he’s convinced by a friend, his art has now risen to a new height. While with the artist Dorian is convinced by Basil’s friend Lord Henry Wotton (Plot), that beauty and fulfillment are the only values in life. So much so that Dorian pledged his soul for that of the “Portrait”. As biographers of “The Portrait” account for the shades of graying that took place since the selling of his soul, Dorian was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. Lord Henry’s group’s expectation seemed to be based on what he hadn’t done, before he had a chance to not do it. Their recognition was based on nothing admittedly, but it was done in such a beautiful and fulfilling way. Never did he think of the beautiful Portrait’s fate, due to his sins and pledge. For each ensuing sin and debauchery came more graying of the hair, wrinkling of the brow and twisting of the facial features on the portrait. All the while Dorian appearance was youthful and virulent. Would Dorian plunge a dagger into the breast of such an obvious evil? A Recovery and Reinvestment Act was created with just under $800 Billion of borrowed money against future earning by the display of “The Portrait”. This was to put the portrait to work due to unemployment and a down turn in the economy. Also included was funding for children’s health insurance coverage for low earning families, funding for Veterans, and freeing up finances in banks and financial institution to help the economy. This along with increasing budgets to support lavish Dorian and Basil life styles has grayed the hair beyond comprehension. Additional shades of gray, again based on nothing. Dorian and Basil used the money instead helping the failing auto businesses into bankruptcy but more expensively. Then purchasing the same Auto Companies, they were removed from the free market. Paying off Unions that support Dorian Gray and Basil Hallwards projects became common place. “The Portrait” now had cracks in its veneer. Dorian began lending money to banks and financial institutions. When they didn’t want it Dorian used his beauty and promised fulfillment in time. Like the old Company Store, when paying back the borrowed money with interest, they were informed a new tax just for their private industry for recovery other moneys lent would be created. “The Portrait’s” hair is beginning to fall, resting on the floor to be swept up in the rubbish. Dorian and Basil had their favorites also, that never need pay for borrowed money. Though many institutions didn’t borrow money Dorian and Basil insisted they must be making too much, and would also have to pay these new taxes. “The Portrait” owners will also pay and never see anything but higher taxes as a result. The once beautiful painting now rests on the floor, its easel with dust gathering on the frame. Now both Dorian and Basil are beginning a push for something called “Cap and Trade” and completion of a “Health Care Reform”, which is yet a larger method tax and costs Life itself from “The Portrait” and its keepers. The continuation of debauchery and graft is near the final steps. What deep wrinkles of brow and twisting of facial features pull the Portrait’s beauty now? Dorian Gray and Basil Hallward seem to ignore the deeply grotesque appearance of “The Portrait”. Wrapped in their dreams of beauty and fulfillment at the expense of “The Portrait” is pushing to finality, the drive for secluding the beautiful portrait forever. As in the story, the knife wielding Dorian needs to slash the canvas of “The Portrait” for it to return to its beautiful self and that which was on the canvas will show on Dorian Gray. As in the novel, the only vestige of Dorian Gray will be from the ornaments he wore on neck, hands and a scuffed up shield dubbed, “The Nobel Peace Prize”.

Ian Jay Germaine -- Bio and Archives

Something to say in retirement to keep the sanity we have come to love.  I’m a conservative and marketer, since age 5 and Vietnam Vet. 1964-1968 U.S.N..  Living in the Houston area 32 years with a Multi-National Oil Co., SF Ca. for 10 years, in Fla. 18 years and born in N.Y.
My historical family are Russian Jewish immigrants circa 1912 Ellis Island.  Now is the time to say what is on my mind.