
Now that the White House has declared war on Republicans (now considered criminals), the powerful Department of Justice, the propaganda media, and social media leftists will turn what was once a red wave into a blue tsunami

The White House Declares War on 75 Million U.S. Citizens

The White House Declares War on 75 Million U.S. Citizens
In a speech lasting under 30 minutes, President Joe Biden stood in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, bathed in blood red, making it clear that the U.S. was facing an enemy that must be destroyed. Biden kept repeating that those who threaten democracy and are dangerous to the country's survival were "MAGA" Republicans. It should be noted that many of the 75 million Americans who voted against Biden's presidency consider themselves "MAGA" Republicans.

With Biden's speech, censorship of Republican candidates by social media is a certainty

Biden clarified that having a constructive conversation with most Republican voters was a waste of time. As he put it, "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people." Biden also promised not just to sit by and watch the 2022 election results unfold with Republicans taking back power. "We are not powerless in the face of these threats. We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy." Said Biden. With Biden's speech, censorship of Republican candidates by social media is a certainty. Now that the White House has declared war on Republicans (now considered criminals), the powerful Department of Justice, the propaganda media, and social media leftists will turn what was once a red wave into a blue tsunami.

Rick Hayes -- Bio and Archives

Rick Hayes lives in the epicenter of liberal land where reality and truth will never encounter a welcome mat.

An award-winning writer and photographer, with over twenty years of professional experience in both fields, Hayes started his journalism adventure after a successful, eye-opening career as a Banker in Wall Street.  Although he spent his early work life surrounded by custom made shirts, expensive ties and the shiniest of shoes, Hayes was an accomplished singer, cutting a few records with a local band and appearing on one of the first cable shows.

Working for a weekly New York paper, in one of the most politically corrupt areas in the State, he began investing his time trying to understand the nature of corruption.