
Individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery are about 20 times more likely than the general population to die by suicide.

The Ugly Truth About Sex Reassignment the Transgender Lobby Doesn’t Want You to Know

The Ugly Truth, Sex Reassignment, tTransgender Lobby, suicide Sex reassignment is as natural as being born, some in the media tell us. And many Americans are buying it. But a growing chorus of dissenters made up of physicians, researchers, and even transgender individuals is beginning to paint a far different picture of the truth.
These dissenters are now coming forward to expose just how harmful gender transition and reassignment are—both medically and sociologically speaking. First, consider recent revelations about how problematic sex reassignment surgery is as a therapy for gender dysphoria. In an interview with The Telegraph, world-renowned genital reconstructive surgeon Miroslav Djordjevic said his clinics are experiencing an increase in “reversal” surgeries for those who want their genitalia back. These people express crippling levels of depression and, in some instances, suicidal thoughts. In male-to-female reassignment surgery, doctors such as Djordjevic transform the man’s genitals into the shape of a vagina, removing the testicles and inverting the penis. In female-to-male reassignment surgery, doctors remove the woman’s breasts, uterus, and ovaries, and extend the urethra so that the woman-turned-man can urinate from the standing position. -- More...

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