
I am old enough to remember Eisenhower and Kennedy. Trump is neither, but sometimes you need a Big Bouncer to throw the bums out of the bar. I am sitting in the corner of the bar with my drink and I watch

The Trump Hand

So let me see if I can start another maelstrom. This is merely a rumination. I am not Marc Antony, and this is no burial oration for Caesar. I read Peg Noonan's column in the WSJ today [5/14] and it nagged at me just how Trump migrates around the political battlefield so easily through, around, and in between the Party lines. I started thinking in my highly trained, and observant Foreign Area Officer pea brain that Trump may sound mad, but we don't kill off madmen in America. Like some form of Native American lore, one does not disrupt the spirit of such a man.
What a perfect cover to float back and forth and gain access to the King's Courts and the News & Entertainment media. "Don't screw with the crazy guy or he'll come after you. Leave him alone and he'll go away eventually." Alas poor Hillary and Bernie. They are about to feel the lash of the crazy man that drove all Republicans out of the Temple. Outrageous comments wear out, we get used to them and therefore used to him. He does not waste a lot of time waltzing on the head of a pin as the gadfly Media and gadfly Political-groupies like to do. Migrating from one horse's # to another seems to be much easier than focus. I think Trump presents a beautifully deliberate antidote to the stupid and inane popular culture that concerns itself with "micro-aggressions," "safe spaces," and Transgender civil rights when we have not even codified who a transgender is and what are the biologicals that make them so. Who can debate with Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again?" How does one argue against that?

Your Daddy's Democrat Party died with Truman, JFK & Humphrey

First let's stipulate that your Daddy's Democrat Party died with Truman, JFK & Humphrey. These Modern Progressives cannot find the exit signs for their Disneyland. Like Cynthia Tucker or Paul Krugman [and their ilk], their deluded brains can't begin to understand that Trump, and everyone else with common sense, has weighed them, judged them, and found them wanting...ergo irrelevant. The Progressive seems to like living in the American-societal hog wallow Obi-wan Obama has created. It brings to mind an old anecdote. about wrestling with hogs ... and America fell right into it for eight years ... longer if you start at 1989 when HW Bush admitted that he lacked "the vision thing" as he proclaimed the New World Order. So let's not let the GOP off of the hook. The enablers in that Party are a disgrace to the memory and legacy of such resolute leaders like Lincoln, TR, Coolidge, Eisenhower and Reagan. They have submitted to every form of social inanity and contrived human engineering that was once anathema to Republican thought. Nattering Nabobs is a good descriptive of the bow tie and high heels crowd with their degrees from elite schools and no achievements outside of the Party, Think Tank, and Foggy Bottom political swamp in D.C. But I digress. I must confess that I cannot decide what is happenstance and what is deliberate by Trump even after these years of laughing at the bombast. I think for certain that as with other men who ascend to power [if not greatness] that one should read their book[s] ... that will tell you who and what they are. Don't assume that his supporters or detractors have read them. My second reluctant conclusion is that they have not. At this point I find myself neither detracting nor supporting this three-ring Circus. We should celebrate this moment, even if not drinking deeply from the well. Trust no one in media. They are holding the cloaks of those who are prepared to stone the "Crazy Man." Politicians on both sides are likewise offering up cups of poison trying to get Trump to drink their bitter gall.

Our friend and Classmate Joe Mankowski is correct. Avoid the sales pitch. At this point it is all about "the deal". Watch and learn America. Is Trump really a loose cannon, or at least as loose as most think; ... or is he a narcisisst demagogue [as I believe most think]; ... or is he an instrument to wake America up? I am thinking for some time that he knows exactly what he is doing. I have seen nothing but leftward drift. I am old enough to remember Eisenhower and Kennedy. Trump is neither, but sometimes you need a Big Bouncer to throw the bums out of the bar. I am sitting in the corner of the bar with my drink and I watch. Like [George C. Scott's] General Patton said after defeating Rommel, "You magnificent Bastard, Rommel! ... I read your book!"

William R. Mann -- Bio and Archives

William R. Mann, is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army. He is a now a political observer, analyst, activist and writer for Conservative causes. He was educated at West Point [Bachelor of Science, 1971 ]and the Naval Postgraduate School [Masters, National Security Affairs, 1982].