
The left's war on Ted Yoho, a man of moral courage and principle

The Shame of America

We here in North Central Florida have the unique privilege of being represented in the U.S. House by a man of moral courage and principle who actually went to D.C. and continues to honor the commitment he made to "We the People" in his district. That man is Rep. Ted Yoho. Gainesville Tea Party, along with other grass root conservatives, united behind him to take on a 24-year incumbent with a huge campaign war chest. Electing Ted became a 24/7 way of life for most of us. The incumbent, while conservative for the most part, had lost touch with the people he was representing. We prevailed and Congressman Yoho has not let us down, as exemplified by his resounding NO vote on raising the debt limit in the House last night . Thank you, Ted, for being an honorable man standing on principle and conviction in representing "We the People" in your district. We are proud of you here in North Central Florida.
Congressman Yoho does not duck town halls with his constituents, as is the habit of many of his colleagues in D.C. When required to stay in Washington, he holds weekly tele-town halls with the people of his district. His staff, both in the district and in D.C., are professional, caring and courteous; indicative of the man himself. Of course, as the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. Here in Gainesville, Florida, we are in a constant battle against the tyranny of the far left. We are not only a university town where leftist professors are the order of the day, but also are subjected to the leftist propaganda newspaper known as the Gainesville Sun. Daily articles criticizing Congressman Yoho have become the norm. They have gone so far as setting up an opinion page dedicated to letters denouncing Ted. Although we have written letters in support, they never see the light of day on the page. A fine example of what journalism and unbiased reporting have become in America, wouldn't you say? Barack Hussein Obama's band of thugs, otherwise known as MoveOn. org, organized a protest outside Congressman Yoho's office here in Gainesville last night. After determining we were not going to receive a formal invitation, Gainesville Tea Party crashed their party. Even with the usual paid operatives of SEIU and their trademark purple signs proclaiming "Tea Time is Over", we outnumbered them. I can think of a choice place in which to insert your signs, but then we are in Barack's "era of civility".
Another priceless sign read, "Tea Party Politics, Hostage Taking, Extortion and Lies". The gentleman holding the sign most assuredly represents what Rush Limbaugh terms "low information voter", but credit must be given to his outstanding abilities as a Barack and Harry parrot. We were also treated to the appearance of the union representative for the government employees in the district. Of course there was a sign being held aloft denouncing the furlough of 800,000 government workers. Imagine my shock the word "non-essential" was missing from the sign. While bemoaning the plight of these workers, they spouted the usual lies of the left by stating they weren't going to be paid. Of course, the tea party members present reminded them these government employees are actually on paid vacation as the bill was already passed authorizing them back pay. Ah, redistribution in America, such a wonderful thing. While I felt an immense sense of shame at the antics of my fellow Americans, the most shameful example for me were the words imprinted on a shirt worn by an elderly lady; "Hands off my Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid". She and her shirt are all that need be said about what is wrong in America. One has to wonder if this lady that revels in government taking care of her has children and grandchildren. If she does, the question becomes, "Does she feel no shame in further enslaving them and destroying their futures"? As a senior, a grandmother and a "tea party extortionist", I feel shame for her. The vitriol being spewed toward a patriotic, honorable man working to save the country for our children and grandchildren is not only shameful; it's reprehensible. The leftist modus operandi is to create "villains" to attack. Congratulations, Ted, upon becoming a villain. Wear that badge with honor, as do we in the Tea Party. Remember, the left always shows you whom they fear. The shame of America is alive and well and on full display here in Gainesville, Florida, but the fight goes on. As for the SEIU operative's sign, I refer you to the song by Bruce Bellot, "We Ain't Going Away". Deal with it! Continue to stand your ground, Ted. We have your back!

Paula Helton -- Bio and Archives

Editor’s Note: Paula Helton Passed away on December 27, 2014.  She will be greatly missed
Paula Helton A Great Patriot.