
Al-Watan newspaper exclusively published official recordings of a number of telephone calls between al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, and ousted president Morsi

The secret conspiracies between Morsi and Al-Zawahiri to spread terrorism around the world!

Cairo, Egypt--When we reiterate that ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were supporting terrorism, and were implementing plans to resettle terrorists in Egypt, we weren’t speculating or exaggerating. Every day more evidence surfaces to confirm these accusations. We find that the schemes exceeded what we expected and goes beyond imagination.
Al-Watan newspaper exclusively published official recordings of a number of telephone calls between al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, and ousted president Morsi. The recordings reveal the involvement of Khairat Al-Shater, the Brotherhood deputy leader, playing the role of mediator between Morsi, Brotherhood and al-Qaeda leaders. High level security sources commented saying that the Brotherhood established their own communication network with the assistance of private American companies to avoid being traced or watched. Egyptian security was able to decode this communications network. Here are some of the most important points which came up in these phone calls:
  • Al-Zawahiri talked to Morsi about the massacre of Rafah, which killed 17 Egyptian army officers in the Sinai in July 2012. Al-Zawahiri said that the Egyptian army should be allowed to train al-Qaeda jihadists, and soldiers from all nationalities. Morsi replied that he wants to integrate the Mujahedeen and Brotherhood within a new special army.
  • Al-Zawahiri incitement against Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia, saying they are “infidel countries” helping America to spread propaganda! Morsi agreed and said that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates are helping the secularists to reach power… and they should deter them. Egypt will cooperate with Iran to halt the influence of the Gulf States in the region, adding that the Gulf States are just obstacles in the dream of the Caliphate!
  • Al-Zawahiri already had plans to carry out large operations in Saudi Arabia to create strife between Shiites and Sunnis Muslims, and cause other crises within the UAE in cooperation with the Brotherhood.
  • Al-Zawahiri also told Morsi that he must stop building churches, and the Copts must pay “Jizia” --Fees--if they want to live in peace. Al-Zawahiri also said: you should apply the experience of Pakistan and Afghanistan in Egypt, and must execute the secularists! Morsi replied: We have taken deterrent decisions against secularists and we will put new laws that limit their media, and we have a big budget to set up new TV channels that urge jihad and al-Qaeda ideology.
  • Al-Zawahiri asked Morsi to release al-Qaeda detainees from the Egyptian prisons who were arrested by Mubarak, and to support al-Qaeda terrorists with money and weapons in Libya, Yemen and the Sinai.
  • High security sources say that after this call precisely, 350 families of jihadists entered the Sinai peninsula and were housed there following the direct orders of Morsi. He planned to close a prison permanently, but the Brotherhood wanted it to be used to imprison opponents and journalists in the future. Khayrat AlShater, the deputy commander of the Brotherhood, said that this prison would be for the opponents after the departure of all jihadists!
    • Al-Zawahiri asked Morsi to expel the ambassadors of the U.S and Saudi as well as a number of Gulf States ambassadors, describing them as ‘infidels’. Morsi displayed signs of confusion and hesitation, and then said: We need them now until we get more control; and we have other ways to deport the Gulf states ambassadors through demonstrations and other methods… just let us do this our way!
    • Al-Zawahri also asked for the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind Sheikh, who is imprisoned in America for plotting the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York in 1993, to put pressure on America to release him… Morsi said: (OK, of course).
    (Morsi conducted direct contact with U.S. officials and instructed his assistant Essam El-Haddad to move for the release of Abdul Rahman, with the ability to give significant concessions to the U.S such as to increase the international peacekeeping forces in the Sinai, and the exploitation of about 40 kilometers into Sinai to resettle Palestinians from Gaza, and allow Israel to plant sensors on its border with Egypt. But then, Egyptian sovereign Security agencies halted the scheme and foiled the deal completely.)
    • Morsi said to Al-Zawahiri: We are planning to send Muslim Brotherhood youth to Afghanistan and Pakistan to get some training. Morsi asked Al-Zawahiri to assist in the coordination of those trips. Security agencies had warned the presidency of these trips because it would spread extremism inside Egypt. Morsi ignored these warnings, so security agencies responded by arresting many of the youth that participated in those trips after they returned to Egypt. Morsi then released them after just one week!
    • One of the strangest demands from Al-Zawahiri was asking Morsi to cancel the Egyptian law and replace it with the Sharia Islamic law on the grounds that the current judicial system is corrupt and works for Mubarak(!)... Morsi replied saying: I am preparing to purge all state institutions, led by the judiciary.
    High level security Sources say that before June 30, al-Qaeda planned to blow up a number of foreign and Arabian embassies in Cairo, to prevent the ousting of Morsi, including bombing the building of the National Security Agency, and on that day, several Pakistani elements were banned from entering the country based on the orders of High security agencies, these elements had been planning to enter the country to carry out a series of bombings. Sources also revealed that the intelligence services of three countries planned to capture Ayman al-Zawahiri through their relationship and contacts with Morsi, especially after monitoring a call which Morsi invited al-Zawahiri to come to live in Egypt in a special place far away from the eyes of security and intelligence agencies of the world!

    Ali Al Sharnoby -- Bio and Archives

    Ali Alsharnoby, an Egyptian journalist and deputy editor, worked in many Egyptian newspapers.

    Studied at university of Cairo, faculty of law.. and wrote a number of books about the political trends in the Islamic view.